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They drank their coffee, talked of summer holidays in general and suggested two or three places where they might go next summer. But their conversation languished and they repeated themselves. At last he yawned openly and said: "I'm off to bed." "I'm going, too," she said, getting up. "But I'll get a breath of fresh air first, on the balcony." He went into the bed-room.

It contains a parlor, sitting and dining rooms, a library opening on the garden; a bed-room, three chambers for servants, and two anterooms, large enough to accommodate your worshippers while they await admission to your presence. This is all I have to offer my lady of the bedchamber. May I hope that it is agreeable?" "Agreeable!" exclaimed Laura, affectionately.

'No; I suppose not, said Mrs. Mel. 'He won't eat 'em? 'Won't eat anything: but his bed-room candle immediately. And whether his sheets are aired. And Mary says he sniffed at the chops; and that gal really did expect he 'd fling them at her. I told you what he was. Oh, dear! The bell was heard ringing in the midst of the landlady's lamentations. 'Go to him yourself, said Mrs. Mel.

It being rather an unseasonable hour to begin the investigation of a large penal institution, I made a brief journey to the land of dreams, and there remained until a noisy porter knocked at my bed-room door, and shouted, "Nine o'clock, last call for breakfast, old man; if you want any thing to eat you had better get a move on you."

But his wife was strongly attached to him, and so unwilling to consent to this plan, that he concluded to run the risk of staying with her. He remained concealed about a week, and then returned to the house he had previously occupied. They lived in the second story, and there was a shed under their bed-room window.

Thus we had to pass through our landlord’s bed-room to get to our own. The other portions of the building were arranged much in the same manner, and the house must have had, in all, at least a hundred inhabitants. There are much larger houses in the suburbs of Vienna, but they are all built upon the same principle, with trifling modifications.

There was a deep alcove from the bed, a window looking down upon the calm waters of the moat, and giving glimpses, through the trees, of fields and woods beyond, a fireplace with a cheerful fire, which had evidently been kindled the moment my arrival was known, the tessellated floor with its waxen gloss, and the usual furniture of a French bed-room, a good table and comfortable chairs.

Presently he would retire for an hour or two into his cool and darkened bed-room. One little thing troubled his mind. There had been no reply to the note a kind of note of enquiry which he had left at the villa Mon Repos on the preceding day. Though he knew little of his cousin, he could not help feeling anxious.

"You could have given me as good an answer as that, little Gretchen. Let us go in." It was about a week after this when I was startled out of my deepest midnight sleep by a rush of many feet, and a fierce and sudden knocking at my father's bed-room door the door opposite my own. I sat up, trembling.

This did away with the common bed-room and double bed, that abomination which has no counterpart in nature and is responsible for a great deal of dissipation and immorality. It moreover did away with the inconvenience of having to dress and undress in the same room. It was far better that each of them should have a separate room and that the studio should be a neutral, common meeting-place.