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"And where is he now?" "Nobody knows, but theer's them as says they see 'im makin' for Sefton Woods." Hereupon, breakfast done, I rose, and took my hat. "Wheer away, Peter?" "To the forge; there is much work to be done, Ancient." "But Jarge bean't theer to 'elp ye." "Yet the work remains, Ancient." "Why then, if you 'm goin', I'll go wi' ye, Peter." So we presently set out together.

You will be punished for running away, but you won't lose your life!" Sapper Maggs shook his yellow head. "I'll stay," he answered stolidly; "it's more cumfortable-like for us four to 'old together, and it's a better protection for the lady. I bean't afear'd of no Gers, I bean't! I'll go along o' yew officers and the lady, if yew don't mind, zur!"

But the storm raged too fiercely to be lulled, except for one brief minute. A confusion of voices burst out afresh "Who be thee?" "It's one o' the Quakers." "No, he bean't." "Burn 'un, anyhow." "Touch 'un, if ye dare." There was evidently a division arising. One big man, who had made himself very prominent all along, seemed trying to calm the tumult. John stood his ground.

So now he shuts his eye and axes me to drink, and give me the ferreting job in Longlands Mound; but, Lord bless 'ee, I bean't so soft as he thinks for. 'They used to try and get me to fight the keeper when they did catch me with a wire, but I knowed as hitting is transporting, and just put my hands in my pockets and let 'em do as they liked.

Good luck will be with 'ee first along. There's a man loves 'ee, and a man he is; make the most of mun. You shall cross the sea and come back with gold, but don't 'ee forget my little house, and if I bean't there, dig under the table, and think kindly of the old Betsy.

'Where do he get the money from, you? 'It be curious, bean't it; I minds when his father drove folks' pigs to market. These remarks passed between two old farmers, one standing on the sward by the roadside, and the other talking to him over the low ledge, as a gentleman drove by in a Whitechapel dog-cart, groom behind.

Come now, be ye a dook or bean't ye yes or ne, Peter?" and he fixed me with his eye. "No, Ancient," I answered, smiling; "I'm no duke." "Ah well! a earl, then?" "Nor an earl." "A barrynet, p'r'aps?" "Not even a baronet." "Ah!" said the old man, eyeing me doubtfully, "I've often thought as you might be one or t' other of 'em 'specially since 'bout three o' the clock 's arternoon." "Why so?"

For a man as goes to sea on board a man-of-war, meaning a King's ship, has to see enemies wherever they are and wherever they aren't, for even if there bean't none, a chap has to feel that there might be, and if he's let anything slip without seeing on it, why, woe betide him! There y'are, sir! Look at that there boat.

"Smite me if it bean't Doggy Trang!" said the mate when the squat towsy-headed seaman who had conducted us below had left us. "I seed him at Plymouth a year or two ago." I thought he was referring to the seaman, but it turned out that he meant the captain of the vessel, a young Frenchman named Duguay-Trouin, who was known to our men as a daring and courageous corsair.

"You'd best be saying your prayers." I laughed. "Were you wearing my coat and I yours, you might hang me and welcome; in truth, you may as it is. Which tree will you have me at?" The man stared at me as at one demented. Then he burst out in a guffaw. "Damme, if you bean't a cool plucked one! I've a mind to take you to the colonel." "Don't do it, my friend.