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On still-less frequent occasions, there were large shooting parties in the Dingle. But, as a rule, the word was 'Keepers only. No others need apply'. A futile iron railing, some three feet in height, shut in the Dingle. Barrett jumped this lightly, and entered forthwith into Paradise. The place was full of nests.

'No, he said at last, feeling his left leg as if he were not absolutely easy in his mind about that, 'no, not hurt, thank you. Not much, that is, he added with the air of one who thinks it best to qualify too positive a statement. 'Left leg. Shin. Slight bruise. Nothing to signify. 'It was a rotten thing to do, jumping over into the road like that, said Barrett.

Barrett walked to the railroad station with me, helping with the valise money bag, which was heavy with a good bit of coin for making change. We got better acquainted on the walk, and I warmed immediately to the frank, open-mannered young bank teller, little dreaming what this acquaintance, begun in pure business routine, was destined to lead to in the near future.

An actor who deserves better than he has yet received in the tradition of the acted Hamlet I mean Wilson Barrett used to make much of taking a miniature of his father from his bosom to point the contrast. But all such things in the end are of no account. New readings, new business, avail less and less. Nor does painstaking archaeology of scenery or dresses any longer throw dust in our eyes.

We met so constantly and so familiarly that, in spite of the difference of age, intimacy ripened into friendship, and after my return into the country, we corresponded freely and frequently, her letters being just what letters ought to be, her own talk put upon paper." The next year Miss Barrett, never robust, broke a blood-vessel in the lungs.

"Mine," he continued, "is John Barrett." "Now," cried Peggy, "if this were a proper adventure we have reached the place when I should be able to say, 'Why! not the Jack Barrett that Brother Billy knew at Harvard? Then you would cry, 'And this is my old chum William's little sister Peggy that used to send him fudge! and then everything would be all right.

It was apparently in the summer of 1835 that Sidmouth was finally left behind, Mr. The move to London was followed by two results of great importance for Elizabeth Barrett.

Grant had some sense of that fact as he walked the old familiar streets, apparently unchanged by all these cataclysmic days.... In time he would come to understand. There was the name plate of Barrett, Jones, Barrett, Deacon & Barrett. There had not even been an addition to the firm. Here was the old Grant office, now used for some administration purpose.

I sent a copy of my book to Nelly Bordman before I read your suggestion. I knew that her kind feeling for me would interest her in the sight of it. Thank you once more, dear Mr. Boyd! May all my critics be gentle after the pattern of your gentleness! Believe me, affectionately yours, E.B. BARRETT. To H.S. Boyd 50 Wimpole Street: June 17 .

Her own account of the beginning of the friendship should be quoted in any record of Mrs. Browning's life. 'My first acquaintance with Elizabeth Barrett commenced about fifteen years ago. She was certainly one of the most interesting persons that I had ever seen. Everybody who then saw her said the same; so that it is not merely the impression of my partiality or my enthusiasm.