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In such awful heat, of course, our customary building material, water, could not be employed...." "But all our instruments have indicated that Saturn is cold!" Stevens interrupted. "Its surface temperature, as read from afar, would be low," conceded Barkovis, "but the actual surface of the planet is extremely hot, and is highly volcanic.

"All x, Barkovis that's high, I guess." Stevens flipped perspiration from his hot forehead with a wet finger and straightened his weary back. "Now you can put this jack away where we had it.

May be the Big Three will discover a means of interstellar travel then I'll get to see them myself, perhaps." "Yes, and if we do, and if you ever see any such people, I'll bet that the sight of them will make your hair curl right up into a ball, too! But about Barkovis remember how diplomatic the thoughts were that he sent us?

In their plate they saw that moisture was already beginning to condense upon the heat-absorber: moisture running down the fins in streams and creeping over the dull metal floor in sluggish sheets; moisture which, turning into ice in the colder interior of the checkerwork, again became fluid at the inrush of hot, wet Saturnian air. "There's the signal all x, Barkovis?

Barkovis says that this mirror will reflect any beam they can use, and I've already got a set of photo-cells in circuit to ring an alarm at the first flash off of our mirror plating. I'd like to get in the first licks myself, but I haven't been able to dope out any way of doing it.

Something pretty serious, though they've jumped their acceleration almost to Tellurian gravity, and none of them can live through much of that." "Tellurians?" came the voice of Barkovis from the speaker. "We have just...." "All x we were on your wave and heard it," interrupted Stevens. "We're with you. What are those Sedlor, anyway? Maybe we can help you dope out something."

Hour after hour mirrored Titanian sphere and crude-fashioned terrestrial wedge bored serenely on through space, and it was not until Titan loomed large beneath them that the calm was broken by an insistent call from Titan to the sphere. "Barkodar, attention! Barkodar, attention!" screamed from the speakers, and they heard Barkovis acknowledge the call.

The bar had been broken and these holes had been made by some heavy body, probably a meteorite, falling with terrific velocity. "This is it, all right," Stevens spoke to distant Barkovis. "Sure there's nothing on this beam? If it should be hot and I should short circuit or bridge it with my body, it would be just too bad."

Nadia exclaimed, in surprise. "How come, do you suppose?" "I can, too. Don't know must be from using that thought telephone of theirs so much, I guess. Here comes Barkovis I'll ask him." The Titanian commander had been in earnest conversation with a group of fellow-creatures and was now walking toward the Terrestrials, carrying the multiple headsets.

Not until the mountain was gone not until in its stead there lay a furiously boiling lake, its flaming surface hundreds of feet below the level of the plain did Stevens open his power circuits and point the deformed prow of the Forlorn Hope toward Titania. The Return to Ganymede "Must you you go back to Ganymede?" Barkovis asked, slowly and thoughtfully.