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We'll be glad to help you any way we can and we may call on you for help again. Goodbye, Barkovis goodbye, all Titania!" He made his way through the bitterly cold shop into the control-room of their lifeboat, and while he was divesting himself of his heavy suit, Nadia lifted the Forlorn Hope into the blue-green sky of Titan, accompanied by an escort of the mirrored globes.

It's Barkovis' city the one we're heading for, I think. It's close enough now so that we can get it on the plate," and he set the communicator beam upon the metropolis of Titan. "Why, I don't see a thing, Steve where and what is it?" They were dropping vertically downward toward the center of a vast plain of white, featureless and desolate; and Nadia stared in disappointment.

But I am, I perceived, detaining you from your time of rest goodbye," and Barkovis was wafted back toward his mirrored globe. "What do you make of this chemical solution blood of theirs, Steve?" asked Nadia, watching the placidly floating form of the Titanian captain. "Not much. I may have mentioned before that there are one or two, or perhaps even three men who are better chemists than I am.

The Titanian's appetite for information was insatiable particularly did he relish everything pertaining to the earth and to the other inner planets, forever barred to him and to his kind. In return Stevens and Nadia came gradually to know the story of the humanity of Titan. "I am glad beyond measure to have known you," Barkovis mused, one night.

Steve exclaimed involuntarily, and Nadia smiled as Barkovis answered with a thought, clearer than any spoken words. "It is a thought-exchanger. I do not know its fundamental mechanism, since we did not invent it and since I have had little time to study it.

We can't see through the fog, so couldn't find the plants, and probably your wiring diagrams would explode if I touched them." "I never thought of your helping us," mused Barkovis. "The idea of any living being existing in that inferno has always been unthinkable, but the difficulties you mention are slight. We have already built in our vessel communicators similar to yours, and radio sets.

"They've got lots of power, and we can rig up a transmitter unit to send it over here to our receptor. Then I can start welding the old Hope together without waiting until we get to Titan to start it. Think I'll signal Barkovis to come over, and see what he thinks about it." The Titanian commander approved the idea, and the transmitting field was quickly installed.