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"Take Henry's paddle, Tom; it lies on the right side of the box. Lay it across the reeds and stand on it." "Ah, sure and that's betther. Kape yer ind a little more up-strame, sargint. We'll steer by the avening star." In a few minutes the balsa lodged against the shore in the still water of a little cove.

The main thing to do is to get her to want to do things.” “What’s your name, my lad?” she asked. “Dicky Dore, ma’am,” the boy answered respectfully. “Well, Oi don’t see why you shouldn’t thry ut, acushla,” she said to Maida. “A half an hour iv’ry avening after dinner. Sure, in a wake, ’twill be foine and grand we’ll be wid the little store running like a clock.”

"Sargeant," began Jerry in his old raucous, martyred, thunderous tones of complaint. "I've got a fare here that " Jerry paused. He drew a knotted, red hand across his brow. The fog set up by McGary was beginning to clear away. "A fare, sargeant," he continued, with a grin, "that I want to inthroduce to ye. It's me wife that I married at ould man Walsh's this avening.

Tombs with a holed block or blocks occur in England, instances being the barrows of Avening and Rodmarton, King Orry's Grave in the Isle of Man, Lanyon Quoit in Cornwall, and Plas Newydd in Wales, which has two holes. There are also examples in Ireland, France, Belgium, Central Germany, and Scandinavia, where they are common.

Coom'th over me as the spring do, though I be naigh three score. Now, Jan, I will tell thee one thing, can't abear to zee thee vretting so. Hould thee head down, same as they pegs do." So I bent my head quite close to her; and she whispered in my ear, "Goo of a marning, thee girt soft. Her can't get out of an avening now, her hath zent word to me, to tull 'ee."

For I love to see the love in thee. Coom'th over me as the spring do, though I be naigh three score. Now, Jan, I will tell thee one thing, can't abear to zee thee vretting so. Hould thee head down, same as they pegs do. So I bent my head quite close to her; and she whispered in my ear, 'Goo of a marning, thee girt soft. Her can't get out of an avening now, her hath zent word to me, to tull 'ee.

Occasionally there are spaces between successive slabs, and these are filled up with dry masonry. The roof is made either by laying large slabs across the tops of the sides or by corbelling with smaller slabs as at Stoney Littleton. The two best known examples of this are the tumuli of Avening and of Rodmarton.

I filt sorry for th' gintilmin him putting up sich a good foight this avening so Oi thought if he didn't want to fight, I'd help him pass it off aisy. I had a glass o' liquor in me own hand. I offers it to him.

The feeling of High Churchmen was now by no means so unanimous in their favour as it had been in Charles the First's reign. Bishop Bull, for instance, when he was yet rector of Avening, was quite alive to the evils of these often unruly festivals, and succeeded in getting them discontinued there.

The sight was too much for the risibilities of the Irish boy, and he forgot that he had been severely bitten by "centipades." "Begorra! Dutchy, this is a roight loively avening, Oi do belave," he chuckled. "Will yez look at this fer a racket, Oi dunno! Hurro! Sail in, b'ys!" "Vell, I don't efer seen der peat uf dot!" gasped Hans, his eyes bulging.