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The student brought before the Black Avenger's which is a society in all college to keep the freshman under there rules so they desided to take him to the rail-rode track and tie him to the rails about two hours before a train was suspected and leave him there for about an hour, which was a hour before the 9.20 train was expected.

And Bunting, turning the sheet round about, saw the irregular outline he had already seen in the early edition of the Sun, that purporting to be a facsimile of the imprint left by The Avenger's rubber sole. He stared down at the rough outline which took up so much of the space which should have been devoted to reading matter with a queer, sinking feeling of terrified alarm.

First, in huge type right across the page, was the brief statement that The Avenger had now committed his ninth crime, and that he had chosen quite a new locality, namely, the lonely stretch of rising ground known to Londoners as Primrose Hill. "The police," so Bunting read, "are very reserved as to the circumstances which led to the finding of the body of The Avenger's latest victim.

"I mean" the white, set face looked like an avenger's, not a passionately loving woman's "I mean that because women have never had an opportunity to know and to choose, you and I, and all people like us, stand helpless with our own great heaven-sent love at peril!" "At peril! Oh, my dear girl!" "Yes, at peril. We do not know what to do, where to turn.

Bunting thought he ought to have been to occupy so important a position on so important a day gave a little history, as it were, of the terrible and mysterious Avenger crimes. He spoke very clearly, warming to his work as he went on. He told them that he had been present at the inquest held on one of The Avenger's former victims.

"Why, Joe," she said, "I never would have thought, with all the horrible sights you see, that anything could upset you like that." "This isn't like anything there's ever been before," he said. "And then then oh, Mrs. Bunting, 'twas I that discovered the piece of paper this time." "Then it is true," she cried eagerly. "It is The Avenger's bit of paper! Bunting always said it was.

And that isn't the sort of thing I should have cared to ask him." "The more fool you!" And then he stopped abruptly. The newsboys were coming down the Marylebone Road, shouting out the awful discovery which had been made that morning that of The Avenger's fifth murder. Bunting went out to buy a paper, and his wife took the things he had brought in down to the kitchen.

Hark! thy people call! Awake! acknowledge the avenger's hand! Still groans beneath the foreign courser's hoof The soil of Germany, our fatherland. "To arms! so long as sacred Germany Feels but a finger of Napoleon. Franciscus! up! Cast off each private tie! The patriot has no kindred, has no son."

I was present and saw the deed; I felt my hands clench, but in my spirit I discovered that it was then the hour of outrage, and that the Avenger's time was not yet come. Rarely has it fallen to the lot of man to be so blessed with such children as mine; but surely I was unworthy of the blessing.

Set him before me that I may strike him dead with one blow!" Lucius crossed himself, looked upwards, and was stepping forwards, when Verronax with a shout of 'Hold! leapt into the midst, full before the avenger's uplifted weapon, crying "Slay me, old man! It was I who killed thy son, I, Fearnagh the Arvernian!" "Ho!" said Odo. "Give me thine hand. Let me feel thee. Yea, these be sinews!