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Some morning this town will flock aghast to view a gory corpse; on its brow will be seen the awful sign, and men will tremble and whisper, "He has been here it is the Mysterious Avenger's mark!" You will come here, but I shall have vanished; you will see me no more.

It was no ordinary misanthropy that kept Captain Nemo and his companions sequestered inside the Nautilus's plating, but a hate so monstrous or so sublime that the passing years could never weaken it. Did this hate also hunger for vengeance? Time would soon tell. Meanwhile the Nautilus rose slowly to the surface of the sea, and I watched the Avenger's murky shape disappearing little by little.

You will believe; yes, when trencher-mate and bedfellow are stricken at your side, and yet no man shall be able to say at what instant the avenger's shadow passed between, or catch the faintest sound of his retreating footsteps. All in his good time to whom a day and an hour and a cycle of the ages are as one."

But would Ellen ever let her go out by herself with Mr. Chandler? Ellen was so prim, so so irritatingly proper. But what was this father was saying? "D'you really mean that, Joe?" "Yes, of course I do!" "Well, then, look here! If it isn't asking too much of a favour, I should like to go along there with you very much one day. I don't want to wait till The Avenger's caught" Bunting smiled broadly.

After that, the witness went on far more comfortably; and as he proceeded, in a quick monotone, the full and deadly horror of The Avenger's acts came over Mrs. Bunting in a great seething flood of sick fear and and, yes, remorse. Up to now she had given very little thought if, indeed, any thought to the drink-sodden victims of The Avenger.

During the scene we have described, the other boats of the men-of-war had landed on the island, and the Avenger's crew, deprived of their leaders, and scattered in every direction, were many of them slain or captured.

I detested the chambers beyond expression at that period of repentance, and could not endure the sight of the Avenger's livery; which had a more expensive and a less remunerative appearance then than at any other time in the four-and-twenty hours. At certain times meaning at uncertain times, for they depended on our humor I would say to Herbert, as if it were a remarkable discovery,

But this particular one was put in the Edgware Road Post Office." "What? Close to us?" said Bunting. "Goodness! dreadful!" "Any of us might knock up against him any minute. I don't suppose The Avenger's in any way peculiar-looking in fact we know he ain't." "Then you think that woman as says she saw him did see him?" asked Bunting hesitatingly.

The spirit of slavery never seeks refuge in the Bible of its own accord. The horns of the altar are its last resort seized only in desperation, as it rushes from the terror of the avenger's arm. Like other unclean spirits, it "hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest its deeds should be reproved."