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There were some score of yeomen, dressing their own or their masters' horses in the yard, whistling, singing, laughing, and upbraiding each other, in a style of wit which the good order of Avenel Castle rendered strange to Roland Graeme's ears. Others were busy repairing their own arms, or cleaning those of their masters.

He stood still, and his pride rallying with constitutional obstinacy against his more just feeling, urged that he would incur the scorn of the Lady of Avenel, rather than obtain her favour, by following the course which the first ardour of his repentant feelings had dictated to him.

Then he spoke about the squire, whom he confounded with Audley Egerton, and talked of elections and the Blue party, and hoped Leonard would always be a good Blue; and then he fell to his tea and toast, and said no more. Mrs. Avenel spoke little, but she eyed Leonard askant, as it were, from time to time; and, after each glance, the nerves of the poor severe face twitched again.

"We do remember Walter de Avenel," he said; "a good knight and a valiant: he was dispossessed of his lands, and slain by the Southron May not the lady come hither to the sacrament of confession? the road is distant and painful to travel." "The lady is unwell, holy father," answered the Sacristan, "and unable to bear the journey."

Harley caught at the arm of the chair on which he sat, and grasped it nervously, while his eyes became fixed intently on the form of the gentleman who now advanced into the room. He rose with an effort. "Mr. Avenel!" he said falteringly. "Did I hear your name aright? Avenel!" "Richard Avenel, at your service, my Lord," answered Dick.

He cannot be made to comprehend that, for the sake of any relation, even for the sake of his own son, he is to vote against the Blues, against you; I mean, of course, Nora's father, John Avenel. His vote and his son-in-law's gained your majority at your first election." EGERTON. "Call on John Avenel! Have you called?" "Yes. Poor old man, his mind has been affected ever since Nora's death.

Avenel, this time taken by surprise, warmly returned the embrace; she clasped him to her breast, she kissed him again and again. At length, with a quick start, she escaped, and walked up and down the room, pressing her hands tightly together. When she halted, her face had recovered its usual severity and cold precision. "It is time for you to rise, Leonard," said she. "You will leave us to-day.

And Randal Leslie felt that, within the last few days, he had made a vast stride in his ambition, his grasp on the old Leslie lands, Frank Hazeldean betrothed, and possibly disinherited; and Dick Avenel, in the background, opening against the hated Lansmere interest that same seat in parliament which had first welcomed into public life Randal's ruined patron.

Indeed, from having had her mother's example before her for so many years, and from a native sense of propriety and even of dignity, Mary Avenel had acquired a demeanour, which marked her title to consideration, and effectually checked any attempt at familiarity on the part of those who might be her associates in her present situation, but could not be well termed her equals.

"I have just been at our friend Levy's," said Randal, when he and Dick were outside the street door. "He, like you, is full of politics; pleasant man, for the business he is said to do." "Well," said Dick, slowly, "I suppose he is pleasant, but make the best of it and still " "Still what, my dear Avenel?" MR. AVENEL. "Still the thing itself is not pleasant."