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Then, having put on the dress of a woman, I began to search and examine all around me. From one of the apartments a sound reached my ear, as if some one was praying fervently.

Eleanor Spencer, whose first American tour is announced for the coming season, happened to be in Berlin during my visit there. I found her in her charming apartments in the Schönberg section of the city, far away from the noise and bustle of traffic.

He did so, following his guide to the second story, and being in turn followed by the other man. He was taken along a corridor and into the first of a suite of rooms opening into it. He knew he was in the Mesa House, and suspected at once that he was in the apartments of Simon Harley.

Slosher. It was a written offer from the De Luxe Apartments Company for three hundred thousand dollars. "That makes my offer, then at five per cent, advance three hundred and fifteen thousand," figured Slosher. "Is that a bargain?" Johnny, glancing contentedly about the big inclosure, saw Jim Guff waiting impatiently for a chance to speak with him.

She called her handmaids, four that served her in chief, who were daughters to her silver fountains, to her sacred rivers, and to her consecrated woods, to deck her apartments, to spread rich carpets, and set out her silver tables with dishes of the purest gold, and meat as precious as that which the gods eat, to entertain her guest.

And for such hideous and necessarily demoralizing habitations, for two rooms, stench, indecency, and gloom, the poor family pays and the rich builder receives "thirty-five per cent, annually on the cost of the apartments!"

They walked to the end of the hall and knocked on the door of one of the two rear apartments. "Come!" said a female voice. Morris opened the door and they entered. "We've come for the rent," he said. "Him and me is the new landlords." The tenant excused herself while she retired to one of the inner rooms and explored her person for the money. Then she handed Morris ten greasy one-dollar bills.

Boileau and Racine were very intimate friends, and many anecdotes are related of them. Boileau had wit Racine humor, and a natural turn for raillery. The contests of the two were often amusing. The king was much pleased with the dramatist, and gave him a suit of apartments in the palace, and the privilege of attending his parties. Madame de Maintenon made a great favorite of him.

Europe cannot produce anything so fine as this, my little regal cabinet. My other apartments are by no means of the same order mere ultras of fashionable insipidity. This is better than fashion is it not? Yet this has but to be seen to become the rage that is, with those who could afford it at the cost of their entire patrimony. I have guarded, however, against any such profanation.

He takes his sons by the hand, and, alas! he forgets the poor woman who is regarding him tenderly, and down whose cheeks two tears slowly trickle as the door closes behind him. Mohammed leads his sons through the long suite of splendid apartments, which they regard with wonder, into the grand reception- chamber, and steps out with them upon the balcony.