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Giovanni took it up, and uttered a low exclamation of surprise at its lightness. He held it up and looked through it, and then he took it by the neck and tapped it sharply with his finger-nail. "Take care," said Zorzi; "it is not annealed. It may fly." "Oh!" exclaimed Giovanni. "Have you just made it?" "Yes." "It is the finest glass I ever saw.

The points interlap; and the cutting leaves odd-shaped openwork strips of steel for the scrap-heap. This part of the work is very quick, for the machine will cut thousands of pens in an hour. Now is when the little hole above the slit is punched and the side slits cut. To make the steel soft and pliable, it must be annealed again, kept red hot for several hours, and then cooled.

"It cost me a week's journey to get the package of galvanized spikes I could have managed to split a plank or two out of one of these firs. The storekeeper fellow assured me they were specially annealed for heading up. If I knew who the manufacturers were, I'd have pleasure in telling them what I think of them.

The malleable intellect of our youth is annealed by the Demon of Gain upon the anvil of Self-interest. National education is one of the first objects of a paternal government. The course of study ought ever to be adapted to the circumstances and position of the scholars. In the first years of a colony, the human mind peculiarly exhibits a downward tendency.

Second Method Making a Suction Pump A small thick-walled bulb is now blown as indicated by the dotted lines, and annealed. A piece of the original tubing is now prepared, 7 or 8 inches long, with one end cut square off and the other closed. A piece of 1/4-in tubing about 2 inches long, and drawn out at one end to a tail several inches long is also prepared, to form the inlet tube for the air.

From the proof-room Hamilton's guide led him through different parts of the works, where various machines were employed in preparing and finishing the rough forgings he had seen made and annealed.

It is one of the most powerful oxidizing agents known, and it doesn't even melt the rest of the steel surface. You see how it ate its way directly through this plate. Steel, hard or soft, tempered, annealed, chrome, or Harveyized it all burns just as fast and just as easily. And it's comparatively inexpensive, also.

There was nothing more to be done, patently. "Waste stock," Mr. Boner muttered. Joe turned to go. Mr. Boner exploded again. This was not all, apparently. "Blue annealed sheets," he called, sputtered, gripped the arms of his chair convulsively, recovered, and sat glaring helplessly. Joe availed himself of the opportunity. "Have a memo for you on the desk."

He flashed with a small laugh, shut his eyes, and met her in a long, whole kiss. Her mouth fused with his; their bodies were sealed and annealed. It was some minutes before they withdrew. They were standing beside the public path. "Will you go down to the river?" he asked. She looked at him, leaving herself in his hands. He went over the brim of the declivity and began to climb down.

The pens having been dried are placed in other cylinders, and polished by mutual friction, produced by reverberatory motion. They are then roasted or annealed, so as to procure the requisite temper and colour, whether bronze or blue. The last process is that of slitting, which is done by women, with a sharp cutting tool.