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"If I had Eugene Morgan's money," he would hear the workmen day-dreaming at the chemical works; or, "If Eugene Morgan had hold of this place you'd see things hum!" And the boarders at the table d'hôte spoke of "the Morgan Place" as an eighteenth-century Frenchman spoke of Versailles. Like his uncle, George had perceived that the "Morgan Place" was the new Amberson Mansion.

She was lifted from the chair into a carriage, and seemed a little stronger as they drove home; for once she took her hand from George's, and waved it feebly toward the carriage window. "Changed," she whispered. "So changed." "You mean the town," Amberson said. "You mean the old place is changed, don't you, dear?" She smiled and moved her lips: "Yes."

Your Uncle George Amberson came to see him an hour ago and they shut themselves up in the library, and your uncle looked as glum as papa. I'd be glad if you'll tell me a funny story, George." "Well, it may seem one to you," he said bitterly, "Just to begin with: when you went away you didn't let me know; not even a word not a line " Her manner persisted in being inconsequent. "Why, no," she said.

"I wonder if I was like that!" 'Amberson groaned. "You don't suppose every Amberson has had to go through it, do you?" "Don't worry! At least half of it is a combination of youth, good looks, and college; and even the noblest Ambersons get over their nobility and come to be people in time. It takes more than time, though."

No one doubted that he would be able to persuade Isabel, but he unfortunately joined too merry a party one night, and, during a moonlight serenade upon the lawn before the Amberson Mansion, was easily identified from the windows as the person who stepped through the bass viol and had to be assisted to a waiting carriage.

"But it must go right!" she protested. "We saw with our own eyes how perfectly it worked in the shop. The light was so bright no one could face it, and so there can't be any reason for it not to work. It simply " "Oh, you're right about that," Amberson said. "It certainly was a perfect thing in the shop! The only thing we didn't know was how fast an automobile had to go to keep the light going.

"He seemed to be certain it would pay twenty-five per cent. the first year, and enormously more after that; and I'm only getting four on my little principal. People are making such enormous fortunes out of everything to do with motor cars, it does seem as if " She paused. "Well, I told him I'd think it over seriously." "We may turn out to be partners and millionaires then," Amberson laughed.

The wedding was of Ambersonian magnificence, even to the floating oysters; and the Major's colossal present was a set of architect's designs for a house almost as elaborate and impressive as the Mansion, the house to be built in Amberson Addition by the Major.

"Understand what?" "What it means to be a real Amberson in this town. Papa told me something about it before we came, but I see he didn't say half enough!" George superbly took this all for tribute. "Did your father say he knew the family before he left here?" "Yes.

"Then what does it matter what your father thinks about my doing something or not doing anything? He has his way, and I have mine. I don't believe in the whole world scrubbing dishes and selling potatoes and trying law cases. Why, look at your father's best friend, my Uncle George Amberson he's never done anything in his life, and " "Oh, yes, he has," she interrupted. "He was in politics."