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Jan leaned forward once more, and passed his little hand softly down the baby's face twice or thrice, as he was wont to stroke the sandy kitten, as it slept with him, saying, "Poor itta pussy!" "It's not a puss-cat, bless his little heart!" said the matter-of- fact nurse. "It's little Miss Amabel Adeline Ammaby." "Say it, love!" said Mrs. Lake, adding, to the nurse, "he can say any thing, mum."

"I will go with you at once," replied the doctor. And they took the way to Wood-street. "From a few words let fall by my master, I imagine he intends sending Amabel into the country to-morrow," said Leonard, as they proceeded. "I hope so," replied Hodges. "He has already delayed it too long. You will be glad to hear that Nizza Macascree is quite recovered.

And then, seeing how white she was and how she trembled, he had bent his head and kissed her hand. And at that she had broken into tears; but they were tears of joy. He stood beside her while she wept, her hands before her face, just touching her shoulder with a paternal hand, and she heard him saying: "Poor little Amabel: poor little girl."

"You are right," said he; "he hadn't strength enough. But don't expend too much energy in talk. Frederick rose early. He had slept but little. The words he had overheard at the end of the lot the night before were still ringing in his ears. Going down the back stairs, in his anxiety to avoid Amabel, he came upon one of the stablemen. "Been to the village this morning?" he asked.

Will you tell him I hope he will never forget that morning-service after the wreck? He may be glad to think of it when he is as I am now. You tell him, for he will mind more what comes from a man. All this had been spoken with pauses for recollection, and for Philip's signs of assent. Amabel came to give him some cordial; and as soon as she had retreated he went on:

Amabel heard it sadly, with a sense of confused values: nothing today was as she had expected it to be: and if she heard she was sure that Lady Elliston must hear it too, and perhaps the symptom of Lady Elliston's displeasure was that she talked rather pointedly to Augustine and talked hardly at all to Sir Hugh: her eyes, in speaking, passed sometimes over his figure, rested sometimes, with a bland courtesy, on his face when he spoke; but Augustine was their object: on him they dwelt and smiled.

As he spoke, Amabel lifted her face with one of her suggestive looks. She had doubtless heard Miss Halliday's remark. Recovering himself with an effort, he repeated his words: "I have but one recollection of Mrs. Webb that I can give you. Years ago when I was a lad I was playing on the green with several other boys.

But at this Amabel cried: "I can't. I can't. Oh take me away. Let me hide until he divorces me. I can't see him." "Divorces you?" Bertram's voice was sharp. "Have you disgraced publicly you and us? It's not you I'm thinking of so much as the family name, father and mother. Hugh won't divorce you; he can't; he shan't. After all you're a mere child and he didn't look after you."

Jeff understood Moore, too, Moore who was probably on his way home at the moment getting himself together after a disconcerting bodily shock such as he had not encountered since their old school days when he had done "everything and told of it ". He had counted on her sympathy over his defeat, and chosen that moment to make his incredible plea. "Did you do what you had forgotten?" Amabel asked.

She looked fagged and harassed, the old face she used to wear in the time of disguise and secrecy, Amabel asked if it had been a tiresome party. 'Yes no I don't know. Just like others, said Laura. 'You are tired, at any rate, said Amabel. 'You took too long a ride with Philip. I saw you come in very late. 'I am not in the least tired, thank you. 'Then he is, said Amabel.