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Allez!" she cried, giving the cow a sharp rap on her rump. "Allez! Hup!" A murmur of surprise escaped Emile. "It is not the first time madame has done that trick," he remarked under his hand, as she crossed the courtyard to regain her chair. "She is Normande," I declared, "I am certain of it by the way she said 'Eh ben! And did you not notice her walk back to her table?

It is "Allez," rather than "Allons;" yet even so, become now the voice of the distant motherland, it carries with it the shade of reverence, as well as of affection, which patriotism exacts.

"Bien! bien!" interrupted I for all this chatter and circumlocution began to bore me very much; "I will consult M. Pelet, and the thing shall be settled as you desire. Good evening, mesdames I am infinitely obliged to you." "Comment! vous vous en allez deja?" exclaimed Madame Pelet. "Prenez encore quelquechose, monsieur; une pomme cuite, des biscuits, encore une tasse de cafe?"

'You're a philanthropist, it seems. Yakov Petrovitch is right; for a man in your position it's something very peculiar. But now let's get to business. I'll explain to you what your duties will be. And as regards wages.... Que faites vous ici? added my grandmother suddenly, turning her dry, yellow face to me: 'Allez etudier votre devoir de mythologie.

"Rich are the diligent, who can command Time, nature's stock! and could his hour-glass fall, Would, as for seed of stars, stoop for the sand, And, by incessant labour, gather all." D'Avenant. "Allez en avant, et la foi vous viendra!" D'Alembert. The greatest results in life are usually attained by simple means, and the exercise of ordinary qualities.

Clearly, the grave dignity of Pere Philibert abashed them. "Mais allez, donc! Allez!" cried the Curd, much as one starts a team of horses. Pere Philibert turned slowly on his heel, and, waving a hand once more toward the river, continued his discourse as though it had not been interrupted. "One might say almost the whole world cannot show its like!

The streets of Paris, however, at midnight were unsafe even for sober ladies, and these soon fell among thieves, were stripped of the rest of their clothing, then taken up for dead by the watch and flung into the mortuary in the cemetery of the Innocents; but, to the terror of the gravedigger, were found lying outside the next morning, singing "Druin, Druin, ou es allez?

Then, significantly, and with a touch of impatience, "Allez," she added, "et dites bien a votre bonhomme entendez-vous? qu'il faut avaler la pilule." After such a warning there was nothing for it but to sign and pay. Mr. Gould had swallowed the pill, and it was as though it had been compounded of some subtle poison that acted directly on his brain.

It struck him, directly he had found it, as pompous and priggish; so much so that he was thankful to Chad for taking it only in the right spirit. The young man spoke so immensely to the point that the effect was practically of positive blandness. "Absolutely without reproach. A beautiful life. Allez donc voir!"

I shouted, "Flûte, Mercure, allez! Je suis puceau!" Marcel was equal to this. "Et ta soeur?" he demanded as he disappeared down the staircase. He had put us meanwhile in the very chamber with the red curtains and the picture of Cupid and Psyche that Sitgreaves had described. Perhaps all the rooms were similarly decorated. I lounged on the bed while Sitgreaves sat on a chair and smoked....