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"Haven't you noticed since you and Alcando came back," he went on, "that he seems different, in a way. He goes about by himself, and, several times I've caught him looking at the dam as though he'd never seen it before. He is wonderfully impressed by it." "Well, anybody would be," spoke Blake. "It's a wonderful piece of engineering. But go on."

"All right, and when we hear from him, and learn more of his plans, we can let Mr. Alcando hear from us. I guess we can mosey along with him all right." "Yes, and we'll need a helper with the cameras and things. He can be a sort of assistant while he's learning the ropes."

Hadley, in which he conveyed news and information that made Blake and Joe definitely decide to make the trip to Panama. "And take Alcando with us?" asked Joe. "I suppose so," said Blake, though it could not be said that his assent was any too cordial. "Then we'd better tell him, so he'll know it is settled." "All right. We can ride over on the motor cycle."

"Well, that was worth getting," said Blake, as they put away the camera, and went on again. "I wonder what we'll see next?" "Have you any wild beasts in these jungles?" asked Mr. Alcando of the Indian guide. "Well, not many. We have some deer, though this is not the best time to see them. And once in a while you'll see a "

The wonderful waterway was blocked at Culebra Cut. Blake thought little of that then. His one idea and frantic desire was to get Joe out. "They'll never get here in time," said Mr. Alcando in a low voice. "We'll never get him out in time." "We we must!" cried Blake, as again he began digging. Mr. Alcando had spoken the truth.

The brown-red earth, the great rocks and the little stones, masses of gravel, shale, schist, cobbles, fine sand all in one intermingled mass was slipping, sliding, rolling, tumbling, falling and fairly leaping down the side of Gold Hill. "Come on!" cried Blake to Joe. "I'm with you," was the reply. "And I, also," said Mr. Alcando with set teeth.

He had to admit his part in the plot, for the moving pictures, made by the automatic camera, were proof positive that he was the guilty one. "Yes, it was I who tried to blow up the dam," Alcando admitted, "but, as you have seen, it was only to be an attempt to damage it. It was never intended to really destroy it. It was an apparent attempt, only." "But what for?" he was asked.

We'll have to make some inquiries, and present our letters of introduction. If we get started with the films inside of a week we'll be doing well." The week they had to wait until their plans were completed was a pleasant one. They lived well at the hotel, and Mr. Alcando met some Spaniards and other persons whom he knew, and to whom he introduced the boys.

I'll give you letters of introduction, so you will have no trouble in chartering a tug to go through the Canal, and I already have the necessary government permits." "Then Joe and I had better be packing up for the trip," suggested Blake. "Yes, the sooner the better. You might call on Mr. Alcando, and ask him when he will be ready. Here is his address in New York," and Mr.

"Not only that," resumed Joe, "but I've heard him talking to himself a lot." "Well, that's either a bad sign, or a good one," laughed his chum. "They say when a fellow talks to himself he either has money in the bank, or he's in love. You can take your choice." "Not when it's the kind of talk I overheard Alcando having with himself," Joe resumed.