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"I present it to Mademoiselle," said he, laying the motto solemnly in Adele's plate, upon a little mountain of chestnut-husks. "It is very pretty," said she, looking down. "It is very a propos," whispered the epicier, caressing the peruque a little too roughly in his emotion. Mr. Love gave him a kick under the table, and put his finger to his own bald head, and then to his nose, significantly.

I felt a conscientious solicitude for Adele's welfare and progress, and a quiet liking for her little self: just as I cherished towards Mrs. Fairfax a thankfulness for her kindness, and a pleasure in her society proportionate to the tranquil regard she had for me, and the moderation of her mind and character.

One of the maids states that she has several times seen her walking and talking with a tall gentleman, and Mrs Bradshaw thinks that the reputation of her school is ruined by Adele's flight. She has drunk at least two bottles of eau-de-Cologne and water to keep off the hysterics, and is now lying on the sofa, talking in a very incoherent way. Miss Phipps says she thinks her head is affected."

"And there is room enough in Adele's little bed for you. You must share it with her to-night, Jane: it is no wonder that the incident you have related should make you nervous, and I would rather you did not sleep alone: promise me to go to the nursery." "I shall be very glad to do so, sir." "And fasten the door securely on the inside.

But the pictures had lost their charm. Her little soul revolted against the treatment to which she was being subjected by these two little girls. When the time for recreation arrived, Miss Euston took Adèle by the hand and led her up to two other girls; one about Adèle's age, the other two years older. She told them to take care of their new and future companion.

"Would you mind calling me Truxton, and for Adele's sake, too?" "It isn't hard to do, Truxton." "Good!" he exclaimed.

The news of Rupert's escape from Lille had further enraged him, as he connected it with Adele's disappearance; and the fact that the capture of Rupert had thrown no light upon Adele's hiding place had still further exasperated him. He now demanded that the marquis should inform him instantly of her place of concealment. This command the marquis had firmly declined to comply with.

She had a mayonnaise spoon and a leaf of lettuce in her hand at the time, and still she did not look comic. "I'm crazy about her," said Eugene. "We're crazy about each other. We're going to be married." Aunt Sophy listened for the reassuring sound of Adele's spoons and plates in the kitchen. She came forward. "Now, listen " she began. "I love him," said Julia Gold, dramatically. "I love him!"

''The very man, replied Arthur; 'his journey was successful. You have seen the specimens he brought. I was intoxicated with delight; but Adéle did not share my joy. Nature has given woman a faculty of intuition denied to man. Alas! Adéle's presentiment has been verified; your account of the interview between Pepito and his friend proves her fears were well-grounded. ''In what way?

"To me, this case is one of the most incomprehensible aspects of the tender passion. Adele's idea of existence is a steeplechase with nothing but water-jumps, Dicky's to loiter around in a gypsy van, and sit in the sun. During his brief matrimonial experience with her, he nearly died for want of breath or rather the life was nearly shaken out of him. And yet she wants Dicky again.