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In the following year four royal marriages were announced. The Princess Elizabeth espoused the Landgrave of Hesse-Homburg; the Duke of Clarence, the Princess Adelaide of Saxe-Meiningen; the Duke of Cambridge, the Princess Augusta of Hesse; the Duke of Kent, the Princess Victoria Mary of Saxe-Coburg.

Another undertaking of a similar character has been completed by the efforts of both South and West Australia; along the barren coast on which Eyre so nearly perished there stretches a long line of posts, which carries a telegraph wire from Perth to Adelaide. A period of depression began in South Australia after 1882. For a time everything was against the colony.

"Oh, she means to send for Adelaide Painter." The name drew a faint note of mirth from him and relaxed both their faces to a smile. "Perhaps," Anna added, "it's really the best thing for us all." Owen shrugged his shoulders. "It's too preposterous and humiliating. Dragging that woman into our secrets !" "This could hardly be a secret much longer."

Shiffney asked him to come on the yacht." "Oh! Mr. Heath!" observed Miss Fleet. Charmian thought she detected a slight change in the deep chest tone of her companion's voice. "D'you know him?" she asked, almost sharply. "No." "Have you seen him?" "No, never. I only heard that he might be coming from Adelaide, and then that he wasn't coming." "He knew I was coming and he refused to come.

It was best, to prevent any doubt, that I should myself cut the tress of hair from the woman's head. The chief of the colony, in response to my request, said he was quite willing that she should visit Adelaide for this purpose. She was agreeable herself; curious as to the scenes, strange to her, which she might witness in Adelaide.

Some one said he fainted in the artist's room. The loss of Sand, even though he had long wearied of her was the last drop. To secure rest and change, he undertook a trip to London, for the second and last time, arriving April 21, 1848. He played at different great houses and gave two matinées, at the homes of Adelaide Kemble and Lord Falmouth, June 23, and July 7.

Heaven knows I think of it enough not to be afraid to speak it out in words. Adelaide" the name came with passion, but once uttered, produced its own calming effect, so that he went on with more restraint "Adelaide never had much patience with me. She was a girl who only saw one way.

And if you could see the sharks that swim round a man just dropped at Adelaide or Sydney, with one or two thousand pounds in his pocket!

Camped a few miles from Mount Remarkable. 20th. Passed through Melrose, and on the 23rd reached Clare, where I had the pleasure of meeting Mr. John Roe, son of the Honourable Captain Roe, our respected Surveyor-General. On August 24th reached Riverton, and on the 25th Gawler. On the 26th we arrived at Salisbury, twelve miles from Adelaide.

Is there a scarcity of food at the camp when the husband comes home hungry the wife is punished for his indolence and inactivity. Gouger, then Colonial Secretary at Adelaide, caused a dog belonging to a native to be shot for some cause or other I am not acquainted with.