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Strangways who had accompanied me from Adelaide, whose figure we had seen on the beach, and he assured me that we seemed to fly as we approached him.

But the reasons why they were betraying her did not change or mitigate the fact of betrayal; and that fact showed itself to proud, confident Adelaide Ranger in the form of the proposition that she had been jilted, and that all the world, all her world, would soon know it. Jilted! She Adelaide Ranger the all-conqueror flung aside, flouted, jilted.

It was enough to drive a woman out of her wits, tied there, and her very dress spotted with him; but she never wanted courage, did Miss Mary Fraser of Adelaide, and Lady Brackenstall of Abbey Grange hasn't learned new ways. You've questioned her long enough, you gentlemen, and now she is coming to her own room, just with her old Theresa, to get the rest that she badly needs."

There remained now therefore but madame Adelaide to overcome, and the task became more difficult in proportion to the elevated rank she occupied at court. By priority of birth she held the first place there; and hitherto this superiority had been ceded to her without dispute, more particularly since the hand of death had removed both the queen her mother, and the dauphiness her sister-in-law.

Eyre made a journey, memorable for the misfortunes which attended it, and the sufferings he endured, from Adelaide round the head of the great bay, or Bight of Southern Australia, to Perth, the capital of Western Australia; and much more recently Colonel Egerton Warburton succeeded in crossing from the telegraphic line to the western coast across the northern part of the great wilderness, nearly touching the farthest point reached by Mr.

He felt that he was a sullen brute, but he could not master his helpless irritation as he walked with Adelaide and Gertie Cowles through Central Park, on a snowy Sunday afternoon of December.

Whither would her first thought fly? To Adelaide or to me; to Arthur or to her own frightened and appalled self? I maddened as I dwelt upon the possibilities of this moment. I envied Arthur; I envied the attendants; I envied even the servants in the house. They would all know sooner than I. Carmel! Carmel!

The Reed Beds may be said to be on the plains of Adelaide, and their very nature will account to the reader for the richness of their soil; but the soil of the plains is not generally good, excepting in such places where torrents descending from the hills have spread over portions, and covered them with an alluvial deposit to a greater or less depth.

Aunt Adelaide will come to-morrow, and she'll do the chaperon act. Now, I'll tell you about the house party." "Not to-night, Lady Gay. It's time for you to go beddy, and I, too, need my beauty sleep." "You need nothing of the sort, you're too beautiful as it is!" "Oh, Mona, Monissima! DON'T say those things to me!

Elsey Disappointment in the length of 'the Victoria Journey to the Westward Discovery of Sturt's Creek Its course followed south Termination in a salt lake Return to Victoria River Start homeward, overland The Albert identified The Leichhardt christened Return by the Burdekin and Suttor Visit of Babbage to Lake Torrens Expedition by Goyder Deceived by mirage Excitement in Adelaide Freeling sent out Discovers the error Hack explores the Gawler Range Discovers Lake Gairdner Warburton in the same direction Swinden and party west of Lake Torrens Babbage in the Lake District His long delay Warburton sent to supersede him Rival claims to discovery Frank Gregory explores the Gascoyne in Western Australia A. C. Gregory follows the Barcoo in search of Leichhardt Discovery of a marked tree Arrival in Adelaide The early explorations of M'Dowall Stuart Frank Gregory at Nickol Bay Discovers the Ashburton Fine pastoral country Discovers the De Grey and Oakover Rivers Turned back by the desert Narrow escape.