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He brung 'im home to die an' he done it. "Den de Yankees come th'ough DeKalb huntin' up cannons an' guns an' mules. Dey sho' did eat a heap. Dey didn' burn nothin', but us hear'd tell o' burnin's in Scooba an' Meridian. I were a-plowin' a mule an' de Yankees made me take him out. De las' I seen o' dat mule, he were headed for Scooba wid three Yankees a-straddle of 'im.

To speak still more commercially, in riding I am quite Averse to running long, and apt to be paid off at sight. In legal phrase, for every class to understand me still, I never was in stirrups yet a tenant but at will; Or, if you please, in artist's terms, I never went a-straddle On any horse without "a want of keeping" in the saddle. Hood. The next morning was rougher than ever.

That from a private soldier to his captain! Yet all my leader answered was "You think there's cause to change our mind?" "I don't know, Lieutenant; do you think Jewett has run back into his own lines?" "Yes, I think so; and you?" "Why, eh, Lieutenant, I don't believe there's a braver man in Grant's army than that one a-straddle of my horse to-day!

His procedure is to drive his camel slowly grazing toward some island of bush in which he has marked down a lion, he himself being perched a-straddle behind the hump and directing the animal's movements with kicks from one or other of his bare heels.

The brightest of sunshine gilded the spires and steeples of the village. It flooded highway and meadows with rich yellow light, but Andy, swinging his school books over his shoulder, walked on with drooping head and a cheerless heart. "It's pretty bad, it's just the very worst!" he said with a deep sigh, as he reached a stile and sat down a-straddle of it.

He drew a clipping from his pocket. "Listen, Miss Dolly: "On Wednesday did a carter see His Grace, the Duke of Ch-rt s-a, As plump and helpless as a bag, A-straddle of a big-boned nag. "Lord, Sam!" the carter loudly yelled, On by this wondrous sight impelled, "We'll run and watch this noble gander Master a steed, like Alexander."

I never laughed so in all my life as I did when he got a-straddle of you. I was coming up to the sled, when I saw you streaking it through the vines and briers, and then I squatted down awhile to see what would turn up next." "Ha! ha! ha! is it you, Sneak? I thought you was an Indian! Come on, I'll tell now. It was a man's moccasin!" said Joe, in a low, mysterious tone.

Then we used to content ourselves with sewing, and housework, and reading all the books in the Sunday school library, and making our own clothes, and enjoying ourselves as much as anybody nowadays for all I see, what with our picnics and excursions down the Bay and the clam bakes and winter lecture course and the young folks 'Circle' and two or three dances to help out and now here are my girls that can't be satisfied to sit down and hem good crash towels for their mother, but must turn themselves into boys, and play ranchmen and baseball and hockey on the ice, and Wild West shows with the dogs and the pony and even riding him a-straddle and want to go to college just because their two brothers are going, and, for all I know, join a fraternity and have secrets from their own mother and a football team!"