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One can forgive, or, at any rate, make excuses for any injury when it is done; but it is almost beyond human nature to forgive an injury when it is a-doing, let the condition of the doer be what it may. Emily Trevelyan at this time suffered infinitely.

They told him he should know when he was in the shallop. Now Juet, while this was a-doing, came to John King into the hold, who was provided for him, for he had got a sword of his own, and kept him at a bay, and might have killed him, but others came to helpe him, and so he came up to the Master. The Master called to the Carpenter, and told him that he was bound, but I heard no answer he made.

It was my post that deserted me." "What!" cried Cracis, angrily. "Insolent!" "Nay, master," cried the old soldier; "I'm as humble as young Marcus there, and I'd kneel down just the same as he's a-doing now, but them Gauls knocked me about so in the fight that my legs won't bend. Look here, master; I couldn't help it.

"Because I'm not going to have my few sticks taken for rent and be turned into the street with my girl. That's what I did it for; and if you won't work you'll starve, so don't you come to me for anything." Again he drummed noisily on the table, and hummed or tried to hum a tune. Presently he spoke again: "What's Fan been a-doing, then?"

"Well, Billy," spoke up Jake Tuttle who had come out strongly for a dry town, a dry state and a dry country, "you're fair and square and a-doing all you honestly can. Maybe the time will come when you'll feel that voting it out is the only thing."

It was a love-idyll such as delighted the romantic heart of Paris; and congratulations and presents poured on the young couple; "the very beggars in the streets," we are told, "blessing them as they drove by." "Happy is the wooing that is not long a-doing," and Milan's wooing was as brief as it was blissful.

"She was always about the lady, a-doing for her in everything. Say she goes to Benjamin and tells him as how her lady still has the necklace, and then he puts up the second robbery. Then you'd have it all round." "And Lord George would have lost 'em. It can't be. Lord George and he are thick as thieves up to this day." "Very well. I don't say anything against that.

"You see that trail?" pointing to the branch that led to the left and downward into the valley. "That is one of the oldest and most famous of all Indian trails. It strikes down through the Crow's Nest Pass and beyond the pass joins the ancient Sun Dance Trail. That's my old beat. And weird things are a-doing along that same old Sun Dance Trail this blessed minute or I miss my guess.

I gave her a look that made her catch 'er breath, and I was just stepping through the wicket, when she laid hold of my coat and tried to hold me back. "Do you know wot you're a-doing of?" I ses, turning on her. "Oh, Bill dear," she ses, "don't talk to me like that. Do you want to break my 'art? Arter all these years!"

"What are ye a-doing?" she said. "In case the other one comes back," said I. "Pooh," said Polly Ann, "he'll not come back." Which was true. I have never laid eyes on Riley to this day. "I reckon we'd better fetch it out of the sun," said she, after a while. And so we dragged it under an oak, covered the face, and left it.