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We learned from the infirmary registers that 30-40 men attend daily at 8 o'clock, the doctor's visiting hour. The advanced age of many of the prisoners, who are suffering from chronic affections, accounts for this large attendance. The day we visited the infirmary it contained 8 patients: 3 cases of malaria, 3 cases of bronchial pneumonia, and 2 cases of dysentery.

I heard him grunt as he turned, and knew that he was badly winded. He missed his volley off my return of the next service, and I led at 30-40. The final point of the game came when he again threw me far out of court on my forehand, and, expecting the line drive again, crowded the net, only to have the ball rise in the air over his head.

"Winchester, 30-40," replied Jacques, handing it over for inspection. "Mine, too," said Creed; "only mine's newer. What'll y' give to boot?" Jacques did not hurry his answer, being engaged in removing the cartridges for the better inspection of magazine and chamber. "Mine's better kep'," he opined after a careful squinting down the muzzle. "Kep' nawthin'! 'S all nicked up.

They were modern weapons, the new high power 30-40 box-magazine rifle, shooting government ammunition, and had been used. The revolvers were of course the old 45 Colt's. This was an extraordinary armament for a peaceable schooner of one hundred and fifty tons burden. The rest of the cabin's fittings were not remarkable.

An amusing example, to all but the player affected, occurred at the finals of the Delaware State Singles Championship at Wilmington. I was playing Joseph J. Armstrong. The Championship Court borders the No. 1 hole of the famous golf course. The score stood at one set all and 3-4 and 30-40, Armstrong serving. He served a fault and started a second delivery.

She was up again, and this time I shot hurriedly, and a little behind the ribs. She ran, crossing up about forty feet away, and a trial with the .30-40 scored, but made no impression. Tchort caught up with her just as she fell, after running a hundred feet or more, and gave us to understand that he was the responsible party.

On a series of little shelves is the ammunition, fascinating in the attraction of mere numbers 44 Winchester, 45 Colt, 40-82, 30-40, 44 S. & W. they all connote something to the accustomed mind, just as do the numbered street names of New York.

If we had had plenty of time, we should have worked up the ridge nearer, and this Hunter was still anxious for me to do, but when I saw one of the sheep suddenly raise his head and look intently in our direction I knew my only chance was to take the long shot. T had seen what the .30-40 Winchester rifle would do in the hills, and the question was one of holding.

A healthy man usually evacuates about 30-40 ozs. of urine daily, the excretion being greater in the winter than in the summer, owing to the checked perspiration. The urine should be of a pale straw colour and transparent.

No see bear to-day?... Maybe more better luck to-morrow." If I could have had some of Takahashi's luck I would scarcely have needed to leave camp. He borrowed Nielsen's 30-40 rifle and went hunting without ever having shot it. He rode the little buckskin mustang, that, remarkable to state, had not yet thrown him or kicked him.