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At last, seeing that he was in danger of being delivered up to the Romans, in despair he took his own life at Libyssa, in the year 182 or 181.

The same thing is true of the ceremonies in which bridegroom and bride are hailed as king and queen a very natural form of merrymaking. The purchase of wives is probably a simple commercial act. +181+. The marriage ceremonies mentioned above appear to be all social in their nature. Into them the supernatural is introduced in proportion as the conception of a divine control of society obtains.

Mohammed Ali, "Le Mouvement musulman dans l'Inde," Revue Politique Internationale, January, 1914. He headed the so-called "Khilafat Delegation" sent by the Indian Moslems to England in 1919 to protest against the partition of the Ottoman Empire by the peace treaties. A. Servier, Le Nationalisme musulman, p. 181. G. Civimini, in the Corriere della Sera, December 30, 1919.

Latitude 37 degrees 32 minutes South, longitude 181 degrees 50 minutes West, and 17 or 18 Leagues to the Westward of East Cape. 4 Leagues to the Westward of East Cape is a bay which I have named Hicks's bay, because Lieutenant Hicks was the first who discover'd it. Wednesday, 1st November. Some Canoes came off from the shore, but would not come near the Ship.

See also Walpole's Letters, vi. 302, and ante, ii. 430, note 1. Garrick himself was a good deal of an infidel: see ante, ii. 85, note 7. Ante, i. 181. The Tempest, act iv. sc. i. 'Fate after him below with pain did move, And victory could scarce keep pace above. Young in The Last Day, book I, had written: 'Words all in vain pant after the distress.

The assault on Missionary Ridge by Granger's and Palmer's corps was not premeditated by Grant, he directing only the line at its base to be carried, but when this fell into our hands the situation demanded our getting the one at the top also. I took into the action an effective force of 6,000, and lost 123 officers and 1,181 men killed and wounded.

There have been during this period four day schools entirely supported by the funds of this Institution. There are at present in these four day schools 181 children. In addition to the entire support of these four day schools, six schools were assisted with money, or books, or copies of the Holy Scriptures, or both money and books.

It lies 7 Leagues to the Southward of Poverty Bay, in the Latitude of 39 degrees 7 minutes South, longitude 181 degrees 36 minutes West, it is of a moderate height, makes in a sharpe Angle, and appears to be quite flat at Top.

Perpetual Forces, 297. Persian Poetry, 224. Phi Beta Kappa oration, 347. Philosophy of History, 87. Plato, 198-200; New Readings, 200. Plutarch, 295, 299-302. Plutarch's Morals, introduction, 262. Poet, The, 181, 182. Poetry, 210.

Long popular usage, repeated judicial affirmations, and general recognition by approved writers on legal topics. Of these, in fact, the last is probably the most powerful. Lawyers and courts, in countries without codes, get their law mainly from the standard text-books. Call Publishing Co., 181 United States Reports, 101; Louisville Ferry Co. v.