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"If that's a'" said the bird, "ye ken little. Have ye never heard o' the little man, the fourth back from yoursel', who killed the Miller o' Bewcastle at the Lammas Fair? That was in my ain time, and from my mother I have heard o' the Covenanter who got a bullet in his wame hunkering behind the divot-dyke and praying to his Maker.

"There, boy," quoth she, and she stroked his head fondly when she spoke, "you does right not to play for nothing, it's loss of time; but play with those as be less than yoursel', and then you can go for to beat 'em if they says you go for to cheat!" Paul vanished; and the dame, laying her hand on Dummie's shoulder, said,

And my brother! where is my brother? the son of my mother more headstrong and foolish than yoursel'! Ye daurna answer, and ye needna answer. He is dead! The horse of Cunningham have trampled on his body, and he lies unburied.

"Think shame of yoursel'," he thundered, "for keeping me in the dark," and of course she took his words literally, though their full meaning was, "I shall scorn myself from this hour for not having won the poor child's confidence." Oh, he was a hard man, Grizel thought, the hardest of them all.

Albert looks black an' says, 'Now, munuster, ye wull be jokun', but tull humself, oz I've heard hum tell mony a time, he uz wonderun' thot the munuster should a- took tull whusky ot hus time o' life. "'We be no married? says Minnie. He shook his head. 'An' I om no Mussus Mahan? 'No, says he, 'ye are no Mussus Mahan. Ye are plain Muss Duncan. 'But ye married 'us yoursel', says she.

I glowered upon him, as he has often since told me, with a shudder, and cried, "But I hae left Sarah Lochrig in their hands, and, like a coward, run away to save mysel." "Compose yoursel, Ringan, and let us reason together," was his discreet reply.

And I was marrit here, in Lunnun town, at a kirk ye ca' St. Margaret's, by a minister ca'ed Smith. It's a' doon here in the lines. Look for yoursel'. Ye can read. See! Here will be my name, Rose Cameron. And here will be my gudeman's de'il ha'e him! Archibald-Alexander-John Scott, Marquis of Arondelle. Noo! is that a' richt and lawfu'?" demanded Rose, triumphantly.

"Wheesht, William," interposed grandmother good-naturedly, "if Jen rose betimes to get milk for the bairn, ye ken yoursel' that ye think the better of her for it. And so do I. Jen's not the first whose acts are kindlier than her principles."

"Noo, that's like yoursel, Sauners Paton," replied his wife; "and surely my endeavour shall not be wanting to mak you comfortable." At these words Jamieson came also into the mill, and said, "I hope, miller, the wife has gotten you persuaded o' your danger, and that ye'll conform to her kind wishes."

"There are whiles," said he, "when ye are altogether too canny and Whiggish to be company for a gentleman like me; but there come other whiles when ye show yoursel' a mettle spark; and it's then, David, that I love ye like a brother."