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He may desire, let us say, a housekeeper to protect his goods and entertain his friends but he may shrink from the thought of sharing his bathtub with anyone, and home cooking may be downright poisonous to him. He may yearn for a son to pray at his tomb and yet suffer acutely at the me reapproach of relatives-in-law.

Hunt, and she did yearn so for the new kitten that she finally decided to turn Dippy over to her good friend. This seemed wise for more reasons than one, for his mother was rather cross to him since her new family had arrived and so Dippy settled down quite content to be petted and made much of by Mrs. Hunt while Marian adopted the new kitten which she called Muff.

Jack is as good a fellow as you deserve; don't yearn so much. Sir Galahad, my dear Sir Galahad rides and fights in the land that lies beyond the sunset, far enough away from this noisy little earth where you and I spend much of our time tittle-tattling, flirting, wearing fine clothes, and going to shows. And besides, you must remember, Sir Galahad was a bachelor: as an idealist he was wise.

Still, he loves his brother; for he knows that he will be returning that way, one of these fine days, with another family, and he foresees that his heart will yearn towards him again. The brave Courier traverses all round the carriage once, looks at the drag, inspects the wheels, jumps up, gives the word, and away we go! It is market morning.

There is a blatant bumptiousness about a steam launch that has the knack of rousing every evil instinct in my nature, and I yearn for the good old days, when you could go about and tell people what you thought of them with a hatchet and a bow and arrows.

The woman's outlook on life is to save, to care for, to help. Men make wounds and women bind them up, and so the women, with their hearts filled with love and sorrow, sit in their quiet homes and knit. Comforter they call it yes So it is for my distress, For it gives my restless hands Blessed work. God understands How we women yearn to be Doing something ceaselessly.

These thoughts troubled the proud old peeress a long time before she gave them expression; but, one day, Clara sat by her, looking a little sad, for, now that the excitement of her first coming was over, she began to think of Hepworth Closs to wonder where he was, and yearn for some news of him to a degree that clouded her whole bright being like a feeling of homesickness.

'Discern Infinite passion and the pain Of finite hearts that yearn. But love of Mr. Browning's poetry is no exclusive cult. Of Lord Tennyson it is needless to speak. Certainly amongst his Peers there is no such Poet. Mr. Arnold may have a limited poetical range and a restricted style, but within that range and in that style, surely we must exclaim: 'Whence that completed form of all completeness?

The light shines only on a small space around her; therefore, she needs must yearn towards the unknown; and the voices and shadowy movings which come to her from out the cloudy pillar of inspiration have each one echoes and answers in her own expecting nature.

"I soon discovered, Miles, that if I had neither father, nor mother, brother nor sister, that I had a country and friends. The bit of marble on which I was found in the stone-cutter's yard, then seemed as dear to me as a gold cradle is to a king's son; and I thought of you, and all the rest of you nay, I yearned after you, as a mother would yearn for her children."