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'You are come to help me and be a dear! cried Alice, clasping her hands. 'How does he look? the dear boy! 'The same as usual, said Wilmet, coolly. 'But, Alice, if you think that I am come to 'Does he really and truly? I saw him out of the little passage window, and I thought he looked quite thin! And Lizzie Bruce said Mrs. Hartley asked who that handsome young man was who looked so delicate.

'I don't see why it should not fall flat, said Wilmet, with a sober air that drove Cherry into an uncontrollable convulsion of laughter; 'it would amuse the children just as well. 'The children of six, maybe, said Edgar gravely, 'but hardly the children of sixteen. Have you no mercy on them, my venerable sister?

'I am afraid you will not find it go as far as you expect, for he will want a good deal of dainty catering. 'And your room should be deducted, said Wilmet. 'Not at all. Mrs. Bolland said she did not take lodgers, but should esteem it a favour if I would sleep there while her son is away. It is all safe, I think.

You should spare us the pedigree, however respectable. 'Well, I said nothing about it, said Wilmet. 'Was it what you said about petticoats, Lance? 'Lance does tease and aggravate that child unbearably! exclaimed Cherry, too much vexed not to be relieved to turn her blame upon somebody, 'and it is very unkind of him, for he knows Bernard cannot bear to be laughed at. 'Hush!

It may be true, as Edgar says, that he does not see an inch on either side of his nose, but that only makes him go right away in the line he does see. I know he will work well. 'If Alda said Cherry. 'Oh, she will be willing. A cottage in the country! Besides, it is the only reasonable possibility. 'I should think it would satisfy her, said Wilmet. 'And then

Felix told his story, feeling it too much not to make it lame, and with the tearfulness trembling in his voice and eyes all the time. 'Our little gamin has the most of the good Samaritan in him, said Mr. Audley. ''Tis not quite the end I should have begun at, but perhaps it may work the better. 'Dear little boy, that he should have remembered that sermon! exclaimed Wilmet.

Wilmet has 25 pounds a year and her dinner, and Angela's at school, so there are only five of us constantly dining at home, and with Mr. Audley's two guineas a week we can do very well. 'What, you lodge here? 'Did not you know that? said Felix surprised. Mr.

Froggatt; indeed, in the existing connection of chairs, tables, and doors, a clearance of that side of the table was needful before any one else could stir. Wilmet moved after them, and Clement was heard exclaiming, 'You are pinning me down, Bobbie! 'I know! Oh, shut the door! There are more than enough there already. 'True, said Sister Constance, signing to Clement to obey.

Wilmet hardly liked not to keep her boy beside her, but she could not be sorry when she saw the two friends once more heading the little procession together; and with such happy grave faces, though so different: one broad, ruddy, sandy; the other fair, wasted, delicate, the hollow cheeks scarcely more coloured than the white linen, and yet with a pure fresh air of bright hope and recovery.

'You don't know, Wilmet! said Cherry indignantly. 'I did hope that when he came home, my poor little Bernard might get better managed he used to be so fond of him; but he has done nothing but worry and laugh at him, and I don't at all wonder it has come to this. I shall go up and see about the poor little fellow.