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They hadn't never orter be classed together!" Fortunately at this juncture we saw Mrs. Lester afar off at a fork of the roads standing and waving her arms to us, and we hastened to join her, but imagine the captain's feelings when from the circle-basket she took out a large, plump blueberry pie, or "turnover," for each of us, with a face all beaming with unconscious joy and good-will.

It is entirely practical to create a division in the Federal land banks to deal with production credits, with the limitations of time so adjusted to the farm turnover as the Federal reserve system provides for the turnover in the manufacturing and mercantile world. Special provision must be made for live-stock production credits, and the limit of land loans may be safely enlarged.

To the employment manager, labor turnover and the selection of personnel are adjacent fields of research. Fatigue as an endocrine deficiency a depressed state of one or more of the glands of internal secretion, abolished when its normal functioning is restored is a general principle from which departures of exploration of sub-problems will proceed.

Not altogether so important was it, perhaps, when estimated by its value to society at large; but if the true measure of a deed be proportionate to the space it occupies in the heart of him who undertakes it, Farmer Charles Darton's business to-night could hold its own with the business of kings. He was a large farmer. His turnover, as it is called, was probably thirty thousand pounds a year.

"Then you must not have a second supper, Master Henry," said Betty, "if I give you something to eat now." "Very well, Betty," replied both children at once; "but we would like it now, instead of waiting later for papa and mamma." So Betty gave each a currant turnover or puff, and a slice of bread and some milk. "May we take our supper out of doors, Betty?" said Emily.

Withers knew what he was talking about, for Li had been his interpreter, his accountant, his man of affairs for years. So of course young Withers made no objection, and considered that he was very fortunate in having Li stay with him, after the turnover.

Of the value of the business transacted, the amount of money turned over, it is impossible to form with confidence even an approximate estimate since there is no source for data; but none with whom I spoke put the turnover at a lower figure than half a million. In a good season such as the past, over 200,000 sheep are disposed of exclusive of lambs, and of lambs about the same number.

"Charlotte rusks an' lemming turnover!" she announced, searching his face for some sign of joy, her own face lighting up perceptibly. "Well, this is a treat!" cried out Johnson between sips of coffee. "Have one?" "You bet!" he returned with unmistakable pleasure in his voice. The Girl served him with one of each, and when he thanked her she beamed with happiness.

No doubt life will be very possible to me and my wife, and to succeeding vicars and their wives, with a red-brick chapel built as a kind of watch-tower over the Vicarage gate. So would life be possible at Turnover Park with a similar edifice immediately before your lordship's hall-door.

"You're evidently new to the business, my cautious and calculating young friend," she whispered, "you should have ignored the resultant calamity. Ah why, child!" she stared in surprise, "your collar is pinned crooked and your turnover is flying loose at one end, and your hair is coming down. You look scandalous." Bea looked triumphant also. "It's an artistic disarray," she explained.