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But after rising she faltered, looking intently at the boat as if she missed something there. "I thought you had a man to sail your boat" "I had. But I let him go last week. Perhaps I ought to have told you," he said, looking up at her aslant. "Are you afraid to trust my seamanship? Adams was a mere form. He behaved like a fool that day." "Oh, I'm not afraid," said Grace.

And though in those days I did not see things as I do now, and Hunt is another sort of fellow, I fancy you had rather not trust me, mamma? said he, looking with a rather sad though arch smile into her face. 'Dear Arthur, you know 'I know I won't trust myself, he answered, trying to laugh it off. 'And you'll be a good child, and not cry for the cottage? 'Oh, no!

But I tell you, if any of these, or any other things be so prevalent with thee now, as to keep thee from seeking after Christ in his ways, they will also be so prevalent with God against thee, as to make him cast off thy soul, because thou didst rather trust man than God; and delight in the embracing of man rather than in the favour of the Lord.

Their negotiations have made hopeful progress, so that I trust soon to be able to lay a definitive treaty of peace before the Senate, with a review of the steps leading to its signature. I do not discuss at this time the government or the future of the new possessions which will come to us as the result of the war with Spain.

"I shall take care of things till you are of age, but I mean that you shall know how your property is managed, and do as much of it as you can by and by; then you won't be dependent on the honesty of other people." "Gracious me! as if I wouldn't trust you with millions of billions if I had them," cried Rose, scandalised at the mere suggestion.

It is in this species of blight, that that merciful and compassionate faith, whose words are, 'Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest, becomes a refuge and a consolation. Woman may trust to other lights, in the darkness of sorrow; but they will prove transient, the meteors of midnight.

In their generations were they called; "for," said the Lord, "good and evil are customs of a period and when the period is passed and the next is come, good may be evil and evil may be good." Now God did not put His entire trust in Satan, and in the evening of the day He set to prove him: "It is over." "My Lord, so be it," answered Satan. "How now?" asked God.

The report of the Secretary of the Treasury presents a series of tables showing the operation of the revenue system for several successive years; and as the general principle of reduction of duties with a view to revenue, and not protection, may now be regarded as the settled policy of the country, I trust that little difficulty will be encountered in settling the details of a measure to that effect.

"What!" exclaimed Shank, starting up again with wide open eyes; "you have met Ralph, then?" "I have. He conducted me here." "And you have intrusted your money to him?" "Yes all of it; every cent!" "Are you aware," continued Shank, in a solemn tone, "that Ralph Ritson is Buck Tom the noted chief of the outlaws?" "I know it." "And you trust him?" "I do.

These papers will be left at your house, but here I must trust entirely to your wit and judgment as to the way in which they should be delivered to my agent at the nearest Mexican port. To facilitate your action, your husband will receive directions to pursue his course as far south as Todos Santos, where a boat will be ready to take charge of them when he is sighted.