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I speak for myself at least; you know I would never affect anything I did not really feel, and I look on my child as a gift straight from Heaven. For one who saw in it rather the image of the man she loved, it might be different. But enough of such sad thoughts, gone, I trust, for ever.

"I have observed him closely, and am sure that, I cannot be deceived in him." "Alas! my child, if you know nothing beyond your own observation, you are far more ignorant than you suppose. Be guided, then, by me trust more to my observation than your own. He is not the man to make you happy! Let me urge you, then, to keep him at a distance."

The doctor thinks that he should be about again in a fortnight" the letter was written on the 4th of January "by which time I trust General Buller will have arrived and reopened the railway. Directly it is possible to move, I shall take him down to Nottingham Road.... There has been little or nothing to do for the last month beyond listening to the bursting of the Long Tom shells."

He drew in his breath sharply and shut his teeth. He could not answer. Hardly knowing what he did, he held out his hands, and very quietly and sweetly she laid hers in them. "Don't trust me don't be kind to me," he said, crushing her hands for an instant, then putting them away.

And at the end of all this was a far-off hope, a dim vision of possibilities, a vague trust that her daughter might perchance prove for her a means of returning to that world of "respectability" from which she was at present so hopelessly shut out.

And Annie laid hold of me in such a way that I was almost mad with her. And he laughed, and approved her for doing so. And the worst of all was he said nothing. "Get away, Annie, will you? Do you think I'm a fool, good sir! Only trust me with her, and I will not override her." "For that I will go bail, my son. She is liker to override thee. But the ground is soft to fall upon, after all this rain.

I should have been much more so, however, had not long experience advised me not to trust, with too implicit a reliance, the enthusiastic descriptions of my friend, the artist, when indulging in comments upon the loveliness of woman. When beauty was the theme, I well knew with what facility he soared into the regions of the purely ideal. The truth is, I could not help regarding Mrs.

DEAR SIR, You have received, I trust, a card of invitation to the meetings of our Society, but I think we have not yet had the pleasure of seeing you at any of them. We have supposed that we might be indebted to you for a paper read at the last meeting, and listened to with much interest.

Her instant obedience to every suggestion, her trust in every word he uttered, made him acutely and at times uncomfortably conscious of his responsibility.

One day she falsely told the master of the house that Joseph had done a very evil thing. The master, being exceedingly angry, and thinking Joseph had betrayed his trust, stripped him of his fine garments and cast him into prison.