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Truelove thinks it the only way of saving him from some fresh act of dishonesty. 'It is all up with them, he says, 'when once they take that turn." "You need not speak as if I were accountable for all the blackguardism." "Every man is accountable who lends his name and position to bolster up a field of vice." "Come, come, Julius. Remember what men have been on the turf."

Among the names of his hounds were Vulcan, Ringwood, Singer, Truelove, Music, Sweetlips, Forester, Rockwood, etc. Mr. Custis, in his Recollections of Washington, has given some interesting incidents of his life as a sportsman. "During the season," he says, "Mount Vernon had many sporting guests from the neighborhood, from Maryland, and elsewhere.

Another dart of lightning, a low roll of thunder, a bending apart of the alder bushes on the far side of the creek; then a woman's voice calling to the boy in the boat to come ferry her over. "Who may that be?" asked Truelove wonderingly. It was only a little way to the bending alders.

She had dismounted, and was letting her pony graze while she awaited Robert's return. A slight regret that she had offered to let this Quakeress be her mother's companion assailed her. "And was thee not punished for it?" Truelove Davis was regarding her with a curious steadiness of gaze that Peggy found extremely irksome.

In my country, night after night have I lain in snow with only my plaid for cover, and heard the spirits call in the icy wind, the kelpie shriek beneath the frozen loch. I listened; then shut my eyes and dreamed warm of glory and true love." "Thy coat is new," said Truelove, with downcast eyes. "The earth will stain the good cloth." MacLean laughed.

As satisfaction he was to get "two hundred & thirty waight of tobacco in leafe & smothed together with one hogshead." On January 24, 1621, a share of land in Virginia was assigned "unto Rowland Truelove of London, Clothworker." Three months later he received a patent as a "new adventurer" and in November, this was defined to cover the transportation of 100 persons.

"One, sir, but I 'ad the amyl under 'is nose at the first gasp, an' 'e came round all right." "Good," said O'Neill. "You go and get some supper now, Truelove. I'll attend to everything till you get back." The corporal bowed and went forthwith.

Truelove would not be punished, but one of them boldly declared in Court: "As to the book, it is written in plain language for plain people, and I think that many more persons ought to know what the contents of the book are". The jury was discharged, in consequence of this one man's courage, but Mr. Truelove's persecutors the wretched Vice Society were determined not to let their victim free.

If I came every day to your father's house, and if your mother gave me to drink of her elder-flower wine, and if I might sit on the sunny doorstep and watch you at your spinning, I should, I think, recover." He slipped upon her foot the shoe of black cloth. Truelove regarded it gravely. "'Tis not too small, after all," she said.

Be that as it may, when she had flung her hood upon the bed and had looked at herself in the cracked glass above the dresser, she went out of the room, and closed the door somewhat softly behind her. "Yea, I am glad I and my father and mother and Ephraim that thee is returned to Fair View," answered Truelove. "And has thee truly no shoes of plain and sober stuffs? These be much too gaudy."