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"Here, boy," said the fisherman with affected sternness: "What are you doing with that dagger?" The boy's breast heaved and his dirty fingers clenched tight around the whittled stick. "Don't you talk to me that-a-way," he said with an ominous shake of his head. "I'll gut ye!" The fisherman threw back his head, and his peal of laughter did what his sternness failed to do.

"I kin hear him howlin' yet, when he was a big feller in long pants and his mother used to whale him with a rawhide in the barn for lettin' the cows git foundered in the cornfield when he was drivin' 'em home from pasture. He killed a cow of mine that-a-way onct a pure Jersey and the best milker I had, an' the ole man had to put up for her.

Only one piece had been cut from it since the purchaser, at that moment apprised by Maverick himself that the arrival of the police was imminent, had taken a hasty departure. "Who learned you to talk that-a-way?" demanded Cake, licking a faint, far-away flavour of the chop from her long, thin fingers. The lodger, for a moment, had changed places with the candle.

The plump white cow, which had obtruded its nose through the gateway, calmly withdrew it and proceeded on its way undisturbed by Moses' frantic gestures. Miss Maitland's was not the only dooryard in the village where grass was still abundant, and Whitey knew it. "That's old Mis' Sturtevant's critter again! She's no right to turn it loose to feed along the street, that-a-way.

"He is making a perfect fool of her, you had better say," amended a fourth, more malignant than the rest. "Hannah, I don't like it! I'm a sort of elder brother-in-law to her, you know, and I don't like it. Just see how he looks at her, Hannah! Why, if I was to melt down my heart and pour it all into my face, I couldn't look at you that-a-way, Hannah, true as I love you.

We could not see even so far as the Pecos, though it seemed from our lofty situation that we looked quite to the ultimate, searching the utter ends of all the earth. "Yours is up that-a-way;" Curly pointed to the northeast. "Mine was that-a-way."

"Well, I expect he hated that worse, having to receive my explanation with folks lookin' on at us publicly that-a-way, and him without further ideas occurrin' to him at the moment. That's what started his poor opinion of me, not havin' ideas at the moment. And so the boys resumed their cyards. "I'd most forgot about it. But Trampas's mem'ry is one of his strong points.

Tom Allison was astonished now, and no mistake. For a minute or two he looked hard at Beardsley, but he couldn't speak. "What do you stare at me that-a-way for?" demanded the captain. "I don't see nothing so very amazing in what I said. Didn't you tell me a minute ago that you would like mighty well to have the handling of some of that there money?"

The blue mountains, beyond whose rim lived the sovereign, looked gently down, and the stern walls of the cañon seemed to widen and make room for the messenger as he swept on, carrying the greetings of an absent knight to his distant queen. "It's like he said," mused Curly to himself, feeling in his pocket for tobacco as he rode. "It's that-a-way, and I reckon it always has been.

And from that day he was an althered man, and used to have the Bible read to him every day, for he couldn't read himself any more, by raison of losin' his eyesight when the divil hit him with the rope of sand in the face, and afther spit an him for the sand wint into one eye, and he lost the other that-a-way, savin' your presence.