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"The house was bad enough before, but now she will make things past bearing." Alice went downstairs to the sound of a cracked gong. The Tennants had their meals in a sitting-room on the second floor. It was barely furnished, and had kamptulicon instead of a carpet on the floor. Mrs. Tennant, looking careworn and anxious, was seated at the head of the table; her dress was somewhat faded.

Tennant came in late, with many apologies, but really he had been hunting the Emperor waiting for him two hours at one place and two hours at another, and came away at last without seeing him at all. He said, in his dry way, that "Have you seen the Emperor?" has entirely superseded the use of "How do you do?"

But before I leave this second Roman visit of ours, let me recall one more figure in the entourage of the Ambassador a young attache, fair-haired, with all the good looks and good manners that belong to the post, and how much else of solid wit and capacity the years were then to find out. I had already seen Mr. Rennell Rodd in the Tennant circle, where he was everybody's friend.

Kathleen O'Hara darted from one group to another, smiled at one set of girls, patted the shoulder of a favorite girl in another group, laughed one time, said an emphatic word to another, and presently disappeared, accompanied by Susy Hopkins. Alice Tennant was standing by herself; she looked dull and depressed. Cassandra went up to her. "It there anything the matter, Alice?" she asked.

Proceeded across the McDouall range, and camped on a grassy plain between it and Mount Samuel. The natives followed us nearly to Tennant Creek, raising a line of smoke all the way. They kept about a mile to the east of us, on some rising ground that runs nearly parallel with my tracks. We have had to lighten a heavy cart-horse named Charley.

Wilfrid Blunt, Hon. George Curzon, George Wyndham, Godfrey Webb, Doll Liddell, Harry Cust, Mr. A. Lyttelton, Mr. A. J. Balfour, Oscar Wilde, Lord and Lady Ribblesdale, Mrs. George Russell, Mrs. Lionel Tennyson. Our programme for the first number was to have been the following: TO-MORROW Leader Persons and Politics Margot Tennant.

There sat Mrs. Tennant with a great basket of stockings before her. The remains of a rough-looking tea were on the table. The boys had disappeared. "Come in, Kathleen," called Mrs. Tennant, "and have your tea. I want Maria to clear the tea-things away, as I have some cutting out to do; so be quick, dear." Kathleen entered.

A coquettish little lace cap adorned the silver-grey hair, and the face beneath the cap was just what you would have expected to find it soft and very gentle, its porcelain pink and white a little faded, the pretty old eyes a misty, lavender blue. She was alone when the two girls arrived, and greeted Sara with a humorous little smile. "How kind of you to come, Miss Tennant!

Gilbert Tennant, imitating Whitefield and out-heroding Herod, exhausted ecclesiastical billingsgate in quest of terms to characterize those clergymen Congregational or Presbyterian or Anglican; those "letter-learned Pharisees," those "moral negroes," those "plastered hypocrites" who stood out in stiff-necked opposition to revivalist methods of inculcating vital religion.

"I never did see a more thoughtful young lady." "My dear child," said Mrs. Tennant, "you are too good." Kathleen laughed. "If there is one thing I am, it is not that," she said. "I am not a bit good. I am as wild and naughty and Oh, but don't let us talk about me. I am so hungry. You know I didn't much like your dinner to-day. I am not fond of those watery stews.