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Instead, however, of treating the subject in the gentle, serious way Mr Merton had done, he burst into a loud fit of laughter. "Nonsense, Will," he exclaimed, "you'll next accuse me of being your evil spirit, and of tempting you to sin.

Had they not come in sight just at the lucky moment, my knife would have made mighty small work with your windpipe, I tell you it did lie so tempting beneath it."

Newspapers in general were friendly, the New York Times boldly declaring, "The act of Susan B. Anthony should have a place in history," and the Chicago Tribune venturing to suggest that she ought to hold public office. The cartoonists, however, reveling in a new and tempting subject, caricatured her unmercifully, the New York Graphic setting the tone.

The tempting heap was fast rising in an elegant many-hued hemisphere; but her thoughts were not in her occupation, for tears were coursing each other down her cheeks. "Those tears are for her father," thought the leech as he watched her from the threshold. "Poor child!" How often he had heard his old friend call her so!

But that has nothing to do with the present. You have spent our renewed acquaintance on the defensive against me, retorting upon me, teasing and tempting me. Be generous for once, and say Yes with a good will." "Oh, I NEVER tempted you," cried Agatha. "I did not. It is not true." He said nothing, but offered his hand. "No; go away; I will not."

Now these were the very things which he kept, and people must eat and drink on Sundays as well as on any other days, so of course it was his duty to supply them. So he put a clean white cloth on the dry-goods box in honor of this new bright day, arranged everything in the most tempting manner possible, and waited for customers. They came thick and fast.

He had read the peccant editorial with a genuine relish of its charm and skill, and had justly estimated it for what it was, an intellectual jeu d'esprit, the expression of a passing fancy for a tempting subject, not of a policy to be further pursued. "Enough has been said, I think, to define our position," said he. "All that we need is some assurance that Mr.

The war with Spain was now in progress, and the richly laden vessel from South America and the West Indies offered tempting prizes to English bravery. Sir Richard sailed from Plymouth, April 9, passed the Canaries and West Indies, captured two Spanish ships, ran imminent hazard of being wrecked on the dangerous headland now known as Cape Fear, and reached Wocpcon on June 26th.

Philip the Second would not easily have believed that, within a century after his death, his greatgrandson would implore the greatgrandson of William the Silent to exercise the authority of a sovereign at Brussels. The offer was in one sense tempting; but William was too wise to accept it. He knew that the population of the Spanish Netherlands was firmly attached to the Church of Rome.

But if you will but tell him, Master Hermit, that you were mistaken in your tidings that it was but a fancy, and that you know better now all will be well with him and with you, and with us all who love you both." So the clerk spoke, tempting him, and leaned back again on his heels; and Master Richard lay a great while silent.