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He might have been, I thought, the son of some good family who had fallen early into dissipation and run from home. But, making every allowance, how admirable was his talk! I wish you could have heard him tell his own stories. They were so swingingly set forth, in such dramatic language, and illustrated here and there by such luminous bits of acting, that they could only lose in any reproduction.

Bob leaned through the open cab window, murmuring thickly: "Nobel, you are drunk. Shocked nay, grieved as I am at seeing you thus, I shall take you home." "Get out, will you?" snapped the manager, undertaking to slam the door. But Wharton was in a declamatory mood and went on, swingingly: "The sky is faintly flushed with pink; Apollo in his chariot draws nigh.

So now he left the discouraging companionship of his wife and Petsy and walked swingingly across the garden and the park to the links, there to seek in Macpherson's applause the self-confidence that would enable him to encounter his republican sister and his musical son with an unyielding front. His spirits mounted rapidly as he went.

He bears his bulk proudly, and would sit well any charger that were strong enough to bear him, and, if such a steed were not in stables, would walk the distance swingingly. He is a man of action, a fighter, an insolent dominator of men and women.

My special difficulty is that though you have had literary rectors here before, they were the big guns, the historians, the philosophers; you have had none, I think, who followed my more humble branch, which may be described as playing hide and seek with angels. My puppets seem more real to me than myself, and I could get on much more swingingly if I made one of them deliver this address.

Worries rolled back from me. I responded jovially to Heron's grim quips, and felt more heartily alive than I had felt for years. Having walked swingingly for four or five hours we sat down in a pleasant inn to a nondescript meal, at something like the eighteenth-century dining hour; consuming large quantities of cold boiled beef, salad, cheese, home-baked bread, and brown ale.

The poet gloats over his sins is musically remorseful or swingingly defiant; he hints or exaggerates or invents. That is where the poet's imagination comes in to give to airy nothings a local habitation and a name. The poet's imagination is often far more licentious than his life; the "poet's licence" is rightly understood to be limited to his language.

He lay on his back, with the hand that had touched Mamie's scarf pressed across his closed eyes. The music of that waltz was of the old-fashioned swingingly sorrowful sort, and it would be hard to say how long it was after that before the boy could hear the air played without a recurrence of the bitterness of that moment.

An old Acquaintance of mine, that takes it unkindly that I am for Change Betty, say so too, you know I can settle nothing till I'm marry'd; and he can do it swingingly, if we can but draw him in. Flaunt. This mollifies something, do this, and you'll make your Peace; if not, you Rascal, your Ears shall pay for this Night's Transgression. Sir Tim. Come hither, Frank, is not this a fine Creature?

On which side would they come out together? Flora wondered. They emerged on her side with Harry a little in advance. He came swingingly down the walk, straight toward her, and across the road to the carriage, his hat lifted, his hand out. "Well, Flora," he said, "this is luck!" "What in the world has got you out so early?" she rallied him.