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It is to be regretted that this discovery was not made a little sooner, but it is not too late to give the reader the benefit of it in a supplementary way. The association that undertook the settlement of the townships of Conway, Gage, Burton, Sunbury and New-town has been referred to in these pages as "The Canada Company," but its proper name was "The St. John's River Society."

The horrid hardening of her moral sense had been accomplished by herself. In her diary, there has been found the confession of a secret course of reading with supplementary reflections flowing from it, which need only to be described as worthy of their source. A person capable of repentance and reform would, in her place, have seen that she had disgusted me.

Not recognising the truth that the function of books is supplementary that they form an indirect means to knowledge when direct means fail a means of seeing through other men what you cannot see for yourself; teachers are eager to give second-hand facts in place of first-hand facts.

Says Mr. Madison, respecting these clauses: "On application of the legislature or executive, as the case may be, the militia of the other States are to be called to suppress domestic insurrections. Does this bar the States from calling forth their own militia? No; but it gives them a supplementary security to suppress insurrections and domestic violence."

Under the law the National Government has entrusted to the Treasury Department the especial duty of regulation and enforcement. Such supplementary legislation as it requires to meet existing conditions should be carefully and speedily enacted. Failure to support the Constitution and observe the law ought not to be tolerated by public opinion.

The public schools then contained little hand work of any sort, so that naturally any instruction which we provided for the children took the direction of this supplementary work. But it required a constant effort that the pressure of poverty itself should not defeat the educational aim.

Its motive and inspiration are set forth in the closing lines: 'It is because I have long held these opinions in assurance and gratitude, that I catch at the opportunity offered to me of expressing them here; knowing that the alacrity to fulfil an humble office conveys more love than the acceptance of the honour of a higher one, and that better, therefore, than the signal service it was the dream of my boyhood to render to his fame and memory, may be the saying of a few, inadequate words upon these scarcely more important supplementary letters of Shelley.

The German pioneer in the movement for the shortening of the workingman's day, Ernst Abbé, the head of one of the greatest German factories, wrote many years ago that the shortening from nine to eight hours, that is, a cutting-down of more than 10 per cent, did not involve a reduction of the day's product, but an increase, and that this increase did not result from any supplementary efforts by which the intensity of the work would be reinforced in an unhygienic way.

If it is found impossible to carry on the necessary discussions rationally and without too serious embarrassment, it is often possible to call upon the socially-minded physician or clergyman for help along this line." To sum up, the interviews with the family and the supplementary visits and letters of inquiry should furnish the social worker if possible with: 1.

The Red Cross Magazine, The National Geographic Magazine, the Boy Scout and the Girl Scout publications, are readily accessible and contain much valuable supplementary material for classroom use.