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Chile's fine chile, good chile, but summonelse chile! Chile's gone, Clar'; but all ish'n't gone, Clar'. Conshider dearesht, you all's have me!" Mrs. Starbottle started to her feet. "YOU!" she cried, bringing out a chest note that made the chandeliers ring, "you that I married to give my darling food and clothes, YOU! a dog that I whistled to my side to keep the men off me, YOU!"

"But the city of San Francisco has no jurisdiction here," said Colonel Starbottle, turning a bland smile towards his fellow-members. "I am er sorry to inform you that you are simply trespassing, sir." "I am here also as deputy sheriff," returned the stranger coolly. "We were unable to locate the precise place of this meeting, although we knew of its existence.

Well, I reckoned that all this was naturally in the line of my trouble, and I DID manage to scrape together fifty dollars more for two months and sent it. But that didn't seem to satisfy her as you see." He dealt Colonel Starbottle another letter from his baleful hand with an unchanged face. "When I got that, well, I just up and told her the whole thing.

The stranger rose, as if the service was part of his self-imposed trouble, and as equally hopeless with the rest, and taking his hat departed to execute the commission. As soon as he had left the building Colonel Starbottle opened the door and mysteriously beckoned the bar-keeper within. "Do you remember anything of the killing of a man named Frisbee over in Fresno three years ago?"

"Do you mean to imply, sir," began Colonel Starbottle haughtily, "that" "I mean to imply, sir," said Clarence with quiet scorn, "that I have neither the wish to know nor the slightest concern in any purpose that brought you here, and that when you quit the house you take your secrets and your privacy with you intact, without let or hindrance from me." "Do you mean to say, Mr.

It was even hinted that the "case" was the revengeful and preposterous outcome of the refusal of Hotchkiss to pay Starbottle an extravagant fee for his late services to the Ditch Company. It is unnecessary to say that these words were not reported to the Colonel.

Starbottle. "Why, if the half you tell me is true, your mother and those Robinsons are making of you not only a little coward, but a little snob, miss. Respectability, forsooth!

You've got to convince that jury yourself. You've got to show what it is tell the whole story your own way. Lord! to a man like you that's nothin'." Startling as this admission might have been to any other lawyer, Starbottle was absolutely relieved by it. The absence of any mirth-provoking correspondence, and the appeal solely to his own powers of persuasion, actually struck his fancy.

Colonel Starbottle was instantly "reminded of the beautifying patches of the days of Queen Anne, but more particularly, sir, of the blankest beautiful women that, blank you, you ever laid your two blank eyes upon a Creole woman, sir, in New Orleans. And this woman had a scar a line extending, blank me, from her eye to her blank chin.

"It is several days before the expiration of our agreement; and we do not feel, under the circumstances, justified in releasing Mrs. Starbottle from its conditions." "Until the expiration of the school-term, we must consider Miss Tretherick as complying entirely with its rules and discipline," imposed Dr. Crammer.