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That however, since the sun has set, we cannot now employ. Another is by grinding a hard stick into a soft log Is the daylight gone without? Alas yes. Then I fear we must await the morrow; for besides the different woods, we need an old squirrel's nest for fuel And that without lamps you could not find in your forests at this hour."

We had a squirrel's nest, or "drey," as it is called, near my house last year, and the squirrels have been about my lawn and the Forest trees ever since. They chattered to each other all the time, holding the galls between their fore feet, fragments dropping to the ground beneath the trees.

There was a good reason why and that was because Mr. Hawk was waiting for Frisky in the top of a tree near Mrs. Squirrel's home. He was waiting and watching was Mr. Hawk. When Frisky had given up his search and was almost home he heard the smaller birds warning one another of the danger, telling of the savage old fellow who was half-hidden on a high branch of the tall elm.

Kiya could not go or lend his horses, because it was mostly Squirrel's country, and he was afraid Squirrel would not like it. Squirrel could not go because it would be indelicate of him to butt in after negotiations had been opened with Kiya. Kirma was not well.

"I al'ays stick to plantin' yo' corn when the hickory leaf's as big as a squirrel's ear. If you don't, the luck's agin you." "An' whar thar's growin' corn thar's a sight o' hoein'," put in an alert, nervous-looking countryman. "If I lay my hoe down for a spell, the weeds git so big I can't find the crop."

They soon made a great hole in the red squirrel's store of provisions, and were just choosing some nuts to carry off with them, when they were disturbed by a scratching against the bark of the tree.

"'Just a matter of practice, says he. "'Huh, says I, 'I'm here to see and do my talking afterwards. "Just then another squirrel pops across the trail dodging like a yearling trying to get back to the herd. Quick as a wink out comes Red's gun. It just does a flip out of the holster and bang! The dust jumped right under the squirrel's belly.

"On Saturday this morning, to be exact" said Mr. Crow, "there came near being a bad accident. Jimmy Rabbit almost cut off Frisky Squirrel's tail." Mr. Crow paused and looked at Brownie Beaver out of the corner of his eye. He knew that Brownie would want to know what prevented the accident. But he was in no hurry to tell him. For a few moments Brownie waited to hear the rest.

"Oh, but they do," I said; "I've seen them." "'Course you have; but when I said so, some one laughed, and asked how many eggs you can find in a squirrel's nest. So you don't believe the 'gators build in trees, don't you?" "No; but I believe they lay eggs. How many are there in this?" "Oh, it isn't that sort of nest.

"We did the little brown bird a kindness in showing her the squirrel's nest where she could go to housekeeping, and that's what makes us happy." "Are you sure?" asked Sammie. "Yes," said Susie; "I am," and she sat up on her hind legs and sniffed the air to see if there was any danger about. "You always feel good when you do any one a kindness," she went on.