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"Sacrebleu!" said the poor Frenchman, as we approached, "ce sont des sauvages!" "Av it's making your sowl ye are," said Mike, "you're right; for may be they won't let me keep you alive." Mike's idea of a tame prisoner threw me into a fit of laughing, while Power asked, "And what do you want to do with him, Mickey?" "The sorra one o' me knows, for he spakes no dacent tongue.

Spakes wid a look av her eye and a twist av her purty lips an' swaying body, an' talkin' to you widout a word. Aw motion motion motion; yis, that's it. An' I've seen her an tap av a hill wid the wind blowin' her hair free, and the yellow buds on the tree, and the grass green beneath her feet, the world smilin' betune her and the sun: pictures pictures, aw yis!

That spakes well for Hardman, so we shook hands over it," was the hearty conclusion of Tim. The boys were too astonished to speak. Jeff Graham's shoulders shook, and he looked sideways at his friend with a quizzical expression, unable to do justice to his feelings. As for Tim, his red face was the picture of bland innocence, but he was not through.

"That's enough, Masther Hycy; when the grave spakes about it so will I." Peety took the letters and disappeared with an air rendered important by the trust reposed in him; whilst Mrs. Burke looked inquiringly at her son, as if her curiosity were a good deal excited.

Becos A've got four more idays that ye could help me with. Wan iday is about divils. A take this fur a foundation: There's sins fur till be done in the wurrld that men 'on't do; an' divils is marcifully put in the flesh an' blood fur till do them sins. 'He went to his own place, says Acts both manin' Judas. An' there's a wheen o' places where Iago spakes iv himself as a divil.

'Tis five years ago, an' I take it hard that Mary Haggarty spakes to me through you. 'Tis a warnin', Coolin." "'Twas a lie I told you, Connor 'twas a lie!" And Coolin tried to grin. Connor's voice was like a woman's, soft and quiet, as he answered: "Ye'll lie fast enough, Coolin, whin the truth won't sarve; but the truth has sarved its turn this time." "Aw, Connor dear, only wan half's thrue.

She spakes to me o' meself, and the wickedness in me heart; and when she leans so lovingly on me shoulder, and raises her clear eyes to the blue sky, or watches the bright sunset, and spakes so softly to me o' the beauty o' a holy life, I feel all the betther and patienter meself for hearing the good words.

"It's rasonable he is intirely," she said, "and a bright son o' the ould counthree, blessin's on it! It's him who spakes well o' the poor ruined crathers, and praises us all for the natural generous-sowled people we are. He knows us intirely, Norah dear. Shure he's a wonderful man and a bould, let alone the thrue son o' ould Ireland, for doing the beautiful thing.

"Go right on, and make a clean job of it," said Tom Betts, grimly. "S-s-same here!" jerked out Bluff. "That spakes my mind to a dot, so it do," Andy followed. Paul threw up his hand. "Enough said; that makes four in favor already, and settles the matter. I won't tell you which way I would have voted, because the thing's been taken from my hands.

This time Ephraim shouted the words at the tops of his lungs, and he was complimented on all sides, while Barney Mulloy hastily said: "Kape roight at it, an' kape on singing till ye're towld t' stop by me. Ye know my voice, an' don't ye moind another thot spakes to yez.