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When the town was young a Lansing had lived there in pomp and circumstance his own great-grandfather and he smiled grimly, amused at the irony of things terrestrial. A slattern at the door halted him: "Nobody ain't let up them stairs without my knowin' why," she mumbled. "I want to see Captain Selwyn," he explained. "Hey?" "Captain Selwyn!" "Hey? I'm a little deef!" screeched the old crone.

All the sluggard and the slattern in her, all the obstinacy of lifelong habits, hung back from the new things which Miss Rodney was forcing upon her acceptance, but she was no longer moved by active resentment. To be told that she cooked badly had long ceased to be an insult, and was becoming merely a worrying truism.

As we approached, a gipsy girl, with a pair of fine, roguish eyes, came up, and, as usual, offered to tell our fortunes. I could not but admire a certain degree of slattern elegance about the baggage. Her long black silken hair was curiously plaited in numerous small braids, and negligently put up in a picturesque style that a painter might have been proud to have devised.

Denis, turned into La Reynie Ogniard, and drew up at the antiquated door I had once entered nearly three months earlier. We entered as before, rang the bell as before, and were admitted into the inner room by the same slattern girl.

She longed, as she had never longed before, to confront him in all her beauty; to be able to say to him, 'Choose where you will, can you buy form or face like this? Instead she stood before him, prisoned in this shapeless dress, a slattern, a drab, a thing whereat to curl the lip. 'Well, I am sorry she is not here, he resumed.

An attaché of the Eating-House had put her horse away where, she did not know; and her meals had been brought to her by a middle-aged slattern, whose probing, suspicion-laden glances had been full of mocking significance. She had heard the woman speak of her to other female employees of the place and once she had overheard the woman refer to her as "that stuck-up Morgan heifer."

The streets will be rather emptied than filled, and the litter of straw and scrap-paper, and the ordure and other filth of the great slattern town, will blow agreeably about under your feet and into your eyes and teeth.

He had come prepared to see a slattern, ill-fed, unkempt, the true daughter of shiftless parents and a wretched mountain home; he had found a graceful little body, and he wanted to take her into his possession at once. "Penelope," he exclaimed, "don't you know your Uncle Rufus?" There was no particular reason why Penelope should know her Uncle Rufus.

She's very good, she's doing no harm." Then the zinc-worker let out in real earnest. "Ah! the viragos! The mother and daughter, they make the pair. It's a nice thing to go to church just to leer at the men. Dare to say it isn't true, little slattern! I'll dress you in a sack, just to disgust you, you and your priests. I don't want you to be taught anything worse than you know already. Mon Dieu!

Score, her relative, and landlady of the "Bugle Inn." If Miss Cat, or Catherine Hall, was a slattern and a minx, Mrs. Score was a far superior shrew; and for the seven years of her apprenticeship the girl was completely at her mistress's mercy. Yet though wondrously stingy, jealous, and violent, while her maid was idle and extravagant, and her husband seemed to abet the girl, Mrs.