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She saw his horror, and, seeing, shared it; shared just then only by seeing it; which led her to rejoice with the deepest of sighs that some shame was left in her. "Ran? ran? ran?" he said as rapidly as he blinked. "How? where? what idea . . . ?" Close was he upon an explosion that would have sullied his conception of the purity of the younger members of the sex hauntingly.

Valmai listened with folded hands as he spoke of the narrow way so difficult to tread, so wearisome to follow of the few who walked in it and the people, listening with upturned faces and bated breath, answered to his appeal with sighs and groans and "amens."

The intriguing Abbé, in order to bring Ninon under the influence of his master, and to charm her with the great honor done her by a man upon whom were fixed the eyes of all Europe, prepared a series of gorgeous fêtes, banquets and entertainments at the palace at Rueil. But Ninon was not in the least overwhelmed, and refused to hear the sighs of the great man.

Thus I, a sodden giant, led by those elfin torches, paced through the city until we came to an open square with a great lumber of ruins in the centre all marred and spoiled by vegetation; and here the lights wavered, and went out by scores and hundreds, just as the petals drop from spent flowers, while it seemed, though it may have been only wind in the rank grass, that the air was full of most plaintive sighs as each little lamp slipped into oblivion.

Her grief was surely assumed, for when Tyope asked her in the evening she told him everything in detail that she had noticed, how this one had looked, how such and such a one had yelled, plainly showing that the flood of tears had in no manner impeded her faculties of perception, the sighs and sobs around her in no manner deafened her attentive ear.

It was a sigh of content for the little slopes are so gentle. Gentle little hills are sighs of content, and bigger ones are determinations, and mountains what are mountains, Karl?" "Mountains are revolutionary instincts," he said, smiling at her fancifulness Ernestine was always fanciful when she was happy. "Yes, that's it.

All her vague conjectures now became a dreadful certainty; explained now why Lionel had fled her why he had written that letter, over the contents of which she had pondered, with her finger on her lip, as if to hush her own sighs all, all! She marry Lionel now! impossible! She bring disgrace upon him in return for such generous, magnanimous affection!

Who raises a voice for us? Yet we are at least as innocent as the nobility of France. We sink among no sighs except our own. And if they give us sympathy what then? Sympathy is the solace of the Poor; but for the Rich, there is Compensation." "Is that Harriet?" said his wife moving in her bed. The Hand-Loom weaver was recalled from his reverie to the urgent misery that surrounded him.

Its fame has been for a century or two that, as one may say, of an illustrious invalid whom people visit to see how he lasts, with leave-taking sighs and almost death-bed or tiptoe precautions. The picture needs not another scar or stain, now, to be the saddest work of art in the world; and battered, defaced, ruined as it is, it remains one of the greatest.

He and Miss Wilson took the liberty of falling in love with each other at least Tedo and I thought so; we surprised sundry tender glances and sighs which we interpreted as tokens of 'la belle passion, and I promise you the public soon had the benefit of our discovery; we employed it as a sort of lever to hoist our dead-weights from the house.