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The ladies, already alarmed by the mutiny, now heard the determination of the Major, in which they readily acquiesced, though not without some groans and sighs on the part of Lady Margaret, which referred, as usual, to the /dejeune/; of his Most Sacred Majesty in the halls which were now to be abandoned to rebels.

In 1655, that being the brightest period of the Commonwealth, he thus 'sighs' over the state of his country: 'There are but a few places in the Bible but there are threatenings against one sinner or another; against drunkards, swearers, liars, proud persons, strumpets, whoremongers, covetous, railers, extortioners, thieves, lazy persons.

A quantitative estimate of the value of dreams is one of those things for which psychical science still sighs in vain. Some Historical and Other Cases. Of the premonitions of history there are many, too familiar to need more than a passing allusion here. The leading case is, of course, the dream of Pilate's wife, which, if it had been attended to, might have averted the crucifixion.

Mashenka's mamma, a good-natured woman but full of conventional ideas, is sitting on the terrace: glancing at her daughter's agitated face, she looks intently at me and sighs, as though saying to herself: "Ah, these young people! they don't even know how to keep their secrets to themselves!"

"Millie," cried Belle roguishly, "what did Roger say to you to call out such sweet smiles and tender sighs?" The young girl started, and flushed slightly. "We were talking about astronomy," she said brusquely. "Well, I should think so, for the effects in your appearance are heavenly.

The steamer could go ahead in perfect safety, although it did not seem as though the thick fog would lift. In about twenty minutes Godfrey was asleep, and the sleepless Tartlet, who had gone to bed with his clothes on as usual, only betrayed himself by distant sighs. All at once at about one in the morning Godfrey was awakened by a dreadful clamour.

There is much I should like to ask them; and if some of the officers are to be billeted amongst us townsfolk, I would gladly have those two to care for." "I'll go and see about it," cried Colin. "Take us with you," cried the midshipmen, who had viewed the procession with swelling hearts, uttering now and then a British cheer, which mingled oddly with the sighs of the people.

She cast a covert glance at him as she said it, for she was curious to know what kind of a face he would make. But he did not make a face at all; he only growled, "What's that to me?" Then he pressed his hands to his head again, and rocked to and fro like a bear, and uttered deep sighs. The maid felt really terrified. Why did the master give such awful, heartbroken sighs? But Mr.

If I do not finish the task this evening your mother will eat me up; yet I should not grieve so much to quit this wretched body as to be parted from so beautiful a creature." So saying he heaved sighs by bushels, and shed many tears. But Filadoro, drying his eyes, said to him, "Fear not that my mother will touch a hair of your head.

But drawing near That welcome haven in my sea of woe, Such joy I know, That life revives, and still I linger here. Thus life doth slay, And death again to life restoreth me; Strange destiny, That deals with life and death as with a play! He accompanied each verse with many sighs and not a few tears, just like one whose heart was pierced with grief at his defeat and his separation from Dulcinea.