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"Who knows? Then if I was to die, you could pretend I hadn't made no will." "Take it back. I shan't keep it," Lucy cried, moving toward the door. "Afraid of yourself, eh?" "No." The monosyllable rang with scorn. "Then prove it," sneered Ellen. "Give it to me." Smiling evilly, her aunt pushed the packet across the table. There was a leer of triumph in the sharp-featured face.

"How do you spell squirrel?" asked a sharp-featured boy one day, as he watched the twinkling eyes of one of the tiny creatures. Simon drew his brows together over his mild eyes, with a mighty effort at thinking. "How do you spell squirrel?" he repeated. "How do you spell it? Well; you begin with an sk, of course and then there's a w.

The boy turned up a sharp-featured, but handsome and remarkably intelligent face, and, with a quick glance at Phil, said, "Well, now, any man might know you for an Irishman by your impudence, even if you hadn't the brogue." "Why, what do you mean?" asked Phil, with an amused smile.

Miss Barfoot was smiling at this Palladin attitude when a servant announced two ladies Mrs. Smallbrook and Miss Haven. They were aunt and niece; the former a tall, ungainly, sharp-featured widow; the later a sweet-faced, gentle, sensible-looking girl of five-and-twenty.

He glanced at them, nodded, and went back to the desk, where he spread them out and looked from one to another. Finally, he selected one of the smaller reels and started to thread it into the playback. There was a light tap on the door and he looked up. "So soon? Come in." A tall, sharp-featured guardsman entered and stood at attention.

Whereat a tall, spare, elderly gentleman in the adjoining section slowly lowered his newspaper and turned half round, while a tall, spare, elderly, sharp-featured woman beside him, in prim travelling garb, sprang from her seat and brushing the burly man aside, precipitated herself upon the shrinking object in the corner. "Mortimer Watson Lowndes!" cried she. "Where on earth have you been?"

Brother Samuel was a gnarled and stringy old monk whose stern and sharp-featured face reflected no light from above but only that sordid workaday world toward which it was forever turned.

Two blue-eyed little girls, with hands full of childish treasures, sat under one old shawl, chatting happily together. In front of this lively party stalked a tall, sharp-featured man, in a long blue cloak; and a fourth small girl trudged along beside him through the mud as if she rather enjoyed it.

In the dining-room they found Captain Bangs awaiting them. Miss Parker made her appearance bearing a steaming teapot. Hannah, now that they had an opportunity to inspect her, was seen to be as tall and sharp-featured as her brother was short and round. She was at least fifteen years older than he, but she moved much more briskly.

Attenuated, pallid, sharp-featured, she appeared much older than her years, and the lovely, confiding and tender qualities of mind, which made her so attractive to older people, had given place to cold austerity and hypercriticism. Men were only objects of amusement, indifference, or ridicule to her. Sentiment she regarded as an indication of crudity, emotion as an insignia of vulgarity.