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The prosperous business man who thinks that he has made his fortune entirely by self help does not pause to consider what single step he could have taken on the road to his success but for the ordered tranquillity which has made commercial development possible, the security by road, and rail, and sea, the masses of skilled labour, and the sum of intelligence which civilization has placed at his disposal, the very demand for the goods which he produces which the general progress of the world has created, the inventions which he uses as a matter of course and which have been built up by the collective effort of generations of men of science and organizers of industry.

In science, discovery, and invention the Negroes claim Lislet Geoffroy of the French Academy, Latino and Amo, well known in European university circles; and in America the explorers Dorantes and Henson; Banneker, the almanac maker; Wood, the telephone improver; McCoy, inventor of modern lubrication; Matseliger, who revolutionized shoemaking.

Go back to Germany, go to Switzerland, go to France, go to England, go anywhere you will, but don't remain in this tremendous industrial corporation, where art, science, and true culture are, at present at least, wholly out of place." But Peter Schmidt wavered. He loved America.

But whether there is a doubt or not, "I see the wisdom," she says, "of again owning this Christian Science waif." I think that that is unassailable evidence that the waif was making money, hands down. She pulled her gift in.

A Syllable is a non-significant sound, composed of a mute and a vowel: for GR without A is a syllable, as also with A, GRA. But the investigation of these differences belongs also to metrical science. A Connecting word is a non-significant sound, which neither causes nor hinders the union of many sounds into one significant sound; it may be placed at either end or in the middle of a sentence.

It is in the God of your mother and my nurse that I no longer believe, and not the God of Nature and of Science.

"That may be true, Mrs. White, but you do not wish to intimate that there is no God?" "Most assuredly not, have I not told you that God heals the sick, that God is Good, that God is Mind? If I have robbed you of your false god, I have done a good work, for then you are ready to seek the true God. I recommend that you carefully study 'Science and Health. In it I found who and what the true God is.

I burst out against your science, I was indignant because of the ruins with which it strews the earth, I turned my eyes away from the dreadful wounds which it exposes. And I wished, master, to take you to a solitude where we might both live in God, far from the world, forgotten by it. Ah, what torture, to long, to struggle, and not to be satisfied!"

The discoveries in nature are in a perfect correspondence with the advancing requirements of human life. The deeper researches of science are revealing the absolute unity of the entire universe. The earth and the most remote stars are composed of the same matter.

Robert Lee, and nobody but Lee! That impressed me very much, because, at the beginning of the campaign, Lee was not prosperous; and why? because he was building up his men with that science which he possessed. His great qualities were discerned not after his remarkable campaigns; but, long before it, his name was regarded with that respected preëminence to which it did rise under that campaign.