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For the purposes of the article in question the exhibition of the incongruous, and hence really unscientific character of the Hierarchy the Positive Scale was given in the paper alluded to, as stated by Comte himself in the 'Positive Philosophy' a work which is accepted as valid, both by the followers of his theories in regard to Science, and the adopters of his Social Scheme there being no occasion, at that time, to indicate the subsequent elevation into a separate Science, of what there formed a subdivision of Sociology.

He was of Greek origin, but lived in Armenia and made translations from Greek into Arabic. Nearly all of these men took not alone medical science, but the whole round of physical science, for their special subject. A typical example in the ninth century was Abuhassan Ben Korra, many of whose family during succeeding generations attracted attention as scholars.

But I still had my craving for knowledge, and my illness was my salvation, in a way it got me a hired girl, and time to patronize the free library. I had never had any sort of superstition or prejudice, and when I got into the world of books, I began quickly to find my way. I travelled into by-paths, of course; I got Christian Science badly, and New Thought in a mild attack.

They did not demand of science either rest, or happiness, or even truth: for they doubted whether it were attainable: they loved it for itself, because it was beautiful, because it alone was beautiful, and it alone was real.

The people understand that this is just the point where the Revolution ought to begin; and they will lay the foundations of the only economic science worthy the name a science which might be called: "The Study of the Needs of Humanity, and of the Economic Means to satisfy them." Trans.

For a man of science, learning, and ingenuity, no one perhaps has paid more attention to the signs of the weather than Mr Jones, See his Physiological Disquisitions, published at London 1781.

Whether he was right in the conviction that his genius was no less fitted for metaphysical speculation or for political science than for poetry, is a question that admits of much debate.

But the science of a more extended view of Nature was vitiated by this false principle and in consequence for many centuries our whole Knowledge of Nature remained unprogressive and unfruitful.

Would Lyell have been able to describe the development of the crust of the earth if, instead of examining strata and their contents, he had scrutinised the chemical qualities of innumerable rocks? Let us really follow in the footsteps of these investigators who tower like giants in the domain of modern science.

The poultry house is made in accordance with the latest deductions of science, the well has an iron pump. The whole place is shut off from the world by a fence in the style of a palisade. The yard, the garden, the park, and the threshing-floor are shut off from each other in the same way. The house is good and bad.