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"If we had got so far in science that we could predict psychological weather, and could know twenty-four hours ahead when a warm wave of bliss or a cold wave of misery was coming, and prepare for smiles and tears beforehand it may come to that." "I hope it won't. I'd rather not know when I was to be happy; it would spoil the pleasure; and wouldn't be any compensation when it was the other way."

Mrs Morgan herself, looking very pale, was in and out half-a-dozen times in the hour, talking with terrible science and technicalism to Mr Finial's clerk of works, who could not make her see that she was talking Gothic a language which had nothing to do with Carlingford Church, that building being of the Revolution or churchwarden epoch.

Christian Science practitioners have also an unusual opportunity in what may be called moral rehabilitation with physical consequences.

The doctrine of the spirituality of the soul has rendered morals a conjectural science, that does not furnish a knowledge of the true motives which ought to be put in activity, in order to influence man to his welfare.

All physical science starts from certain postulates. One of them is the objective existence of a material world. Another is that any of the rules, or so-called 'laws of nature, by which the relation of phenomena is truly defined, is true for all time. The validity of these postulates is a problem of metaphysics; they are neither self-evident nor are they, strictly speaking, demonstrable.

You can have no music in your soul! Science is such a little thing, if you could only see." "Show me a bigger, sir." "Faith." "In what?" "In what has been revealed to us." "Ah! There it is again! By whom how? "By God Himself through our Lord." A faint flush rose in Laird's yellow face, and his eyes brightened.

Science, representative government and the industrial revolution led to a rapid and extensive transformation of western society sometimes referred to as the bourgeois revolution.

The increasing value of science as such, and the preponderance of a material interest in it at Rome, are clearly reflected in this rapid rejection of the fetters of artistic form.

Common knowledge is un-unified knowledge; science is partially unified knowledge; philosophy, which combines the highest generalizations of the sciences into a supreme one, is completely unified knowledge.

How the hell could I explain to my congregation that I was full of love instead of licker? Clearly I cannot afford to offer myself as a sacrifice upon the altar of science.