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"I want to put Rub-a-Dub into the dead-house." "The dead-house, Diana? What do you mean?" "It is the house where we keep the poor innocents, and all the other creatures what get deaded," said Diana. "We keep them there until Iris has settled whether they are to have a pwivate or a public funeral. Iris does not know yet about Rub-a-Dub. He was quite well this morning.

When the dinner-bell rang, mamma saw four clean, rosy faces and four smooth heads at the table; for the shadow-children made themselves neat, without being told. Every one was merry and hungry and good-natured. Even poor baby forgot her teeth, and played a regular rub-a-dub with her spoon on her mug, and tried to tell about the fine things she saw on her drive.

Be that as it may, I was by this time wide awake, though much aggrieved at feeling so, and through the open window heard the distant roll of musketry, and the beating of drums, with a quick rub-a-dub, and the "come round the corner" of trumpet-call.

Leaving the church, we wandered to the Coliseum, and to the public grounds contiguous to them, where a score and more of French drummers were beating each man his drum, without reference to any rub-a-dub but his own. This seems to be a daily or periodical practice and point of duty with them.

All the doors and windows in the house are closed, except a single dormer-window in the roof. The men, shut up in the house, hew and slash with their swords right and left to the clash of gongs and the rub-a-dub of drums. Terrified at this onslaught, the devils escape by the dormer-window, and sliding down the rope of palm-leaves take themselves off.

"Good-by, Rub-a-Dub," he whispered as he left the garden. "Yes, there are many good-bys in the air just now." The Rectory at Super-Ashton was a large, sunny, cheerful house. It was filled with every modern convenience, and possessed plenty of rooms papered with light, bright-looking papers, and painted also in cheerful colors.

"I call ships stupid," said Diana. "I don't see no use in 'em. Now, do let us hurry back. Poor Rub-a-Dub will be so lonely." "It's you who is silly now," said Orion. "You know Rub-a-Dub can't feel; don't you, Di?" "I know nothing 'bout it," said Diana. "I want to hurry back to get his beautiful public funeral weady.

The coffin was supplied with strings of white satin ribbon, and was lowered with great solemnity into the grave. Then the four mourners stood over it and each of them sang the last words of Iris' poem: "And you'll never know fear any more, Little dear; Good-by, Rub-a-Dub." The moment this was over flowers were strewn upon the box, and Apollo with great vigor began to shovel in the earth.

But be kind and generous, and I'll love you in time." Rub-a-dub went the drums, sounding tattoo, and the beating brought several officers scurrying out of the house. Philemon kissed the girl's hand, and hurried away to his squadron. Two days the army remained encamped at the Fork, then by easy marches it followed the river down to Richmond, where a rest was taken.

They bored holes in the deep declivity, and the splashing rain and the thin mist came and crumbled and washed the names away, and the drummer's name also, and that of his little son. "Peter's name will last a full year and a half longer!" said the father. "Fool!" thought the Fire-drum; but it only said, "Dub, dub, dub, rub-a-dub!"