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"Richard," said she, thoughtfully, "I wish ye may no hae been getting in voolgar company. Div ye think we hae minds like rinning water?" "And tongues like the mill-clack abune it? Because if ye think sae, captain ye're no far wrang!" Christie. "Na! we hae na muckle gowd maybe; but our minds are gowden vessels." Jean. "Aha! lad." Christie.

And you standing there like a straw bogle and rinning to fetch your ain sword like a doggie with a pocket-napkin! David, this man Duncansby must be something altogether by-ordinar! He maun be extraordinar skilly. If I had the time, I would gang straight back and try a turn at him mysel'. The man must be a provost." "You silly fellow," said I, "you forget it was just me."

Wi' that the gipsy wife gripped till her hand "I ken you weel eneugh," says she, "though ye kenna me. But as sure as that sun's in heaven, and as sure as that water's rinning to the sea, and as sure as there's an ee that sees and an ear that hears us baith, Harry Bertram, that was thought to perish at Warroch Point, never did die there.

Wi' that the gipsy wife gripped till her hand "I ken you weel eneugh," says she, "though ye kenna me. But as sure as that sun's in heaven, and as sure as that water's rinning to the sea, and as sure as there's an ee that sees and an ear that hears us baith, Harry Bertram, that was thought to perish at Warroch Point, never did die there.

And you standing there like a straw bogle and rinning to fetch your ain sword like a doggie with a pocket-napkin! David, this man Duncansby must be something altogether by-ordinar! He maun be extraordinar skilly. If I had the time, I would gang straight back and try a turn at him mysel'. The man must be a provost." "You silly fellow," said I, "you forget it was just me."

"And that it was eleven o'clock when you witnessed the meeting between the man and the woman at Castle Lone!" "Ay, war it. And I had to run a' the way to do it in that time. It waur guid rinning." "You left his lordship's valet with him, do you say?" "Ay, I did. And the head waiter o' the Arondelle Arms, too, wha was just gaeing in wi' his lairdship's supper." "That will do.

And you standing there like a straw bogle and rinning to fetch your ain sword like a doggie with a pocket-napkin! David, this man Duncansby must be something altogether by-ordinar! He maun be extraordinar skilly. If I had the time, I would gang straight back and try a turn at him mysel'. The man must be a provost." "You silly fellow," said I, "you forget it was just me."

I was half way down for rowing is faster wark than rinning ere they could get at their arms; and then it was flash, flash, flash rap, rap, rap from the edge of the road; but my head was too jumbled to think anything either of that or the hard knocks I got among the stones.

Off I set ran down the close, where she was no longer to be seen, and demanded of one of the dyer's lads whether he had seen a lady go down the close, or had observed which way she turned. 'A leddy! said the dyer, staring at me with his rainbow countenance. 'Mr. Alan, what takes you out, rinning like daft, without your hat?

"But the men will have won to shore, please God?" The fisherman shook his head. "She'll hae coupit a mile wast Inch Keith, an' the tide rinning aff the island an' a heavy sea gaun. The man then took the coat, which was now seen to be drenched with water, and hung it up on a line not very far from its unfortunate owner's house.