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So I laid the case before me in a little council; not for loss of time, but only that I wanted rest, and to see things truly. Then says I to myself 'John Ridd, these trees, and pools, and lonesome rocks, and setting of the sunlight are making a gruesome coward of thee. Shall I go back to my mother so, and be called her fearless boy?

Strangely enough, most biographies give no such impression of reality as good fiction does. John Ridd, for instance, is more alive for most of us than Thomas Jefferson the one is a flesh-and-blood personality, while the other is merely a name.

These, like true crusaders, met me, swaggering very heartily, and with their barrels of cider set, like so many cannon, across the road, over against a small hostel. 'We have won the victory, my lord King, and we mean to enjoy it. Down from thy horse, and have a stoup of cider, thou big rebel. 'No rebel am I. My name is John Ridd. I belong to the side of the King: and I want some breakfast.

A weight of care was off my mind; though much of trouble hung there still. One thing was quite certain if Lorna could not have John Ridd, no one else should have her. And my mother, who sat up for me, and with me long time afterwards, agreed that this was comfort.

'You must not talk like that, Cousin Ridd, she said, in a low and gentle tone, and turning away her eyes from me; 'no lady can be above a man, who is pure, and brave, and gentle. And if her heart be worth having, she will never let you give her up, for her grandeur, and her nobility.

But first she had done a thing which I could not in the least approve of: for she had gone up to my mother, and thrown herself into her arms, and begged to be allowed to return to Glen Doone. 'My child, are you unhappy here? mother asked her, very gently, for she had begun to regard her now as a daughter of her own. 'Oh, no! Too happy, by far too happy, Mrs. Ridd.

However, I held my peace, well knowing that too many words do mischief. Then mother looked at me with wonder, being herself too amazed to speak; and the Counsellor looked, with great wrath in his eyes, which he tried to keep from burning. "How say you then, John Ridd," he cried, stretching out one hand, like Elijah; "is this a thing of the sort you love? Is this what you are used to?"

"Bravo, our John Ridd!" he answered; "fools will be fools till the end of the chapter; and I might be as big a one, if I were in thy shoes, John. Nevertheless, in the name of God, don't let that helpless child go about with a thing worth half the county on her."

This was that the lower end, just this narrowing of the valley, where it is most hard to come at, might be looked upon as mine, except for purposes of guard. Therefore none beside the sentries ever trespass on me here, unless it be my grandfather, or the Counsellor or Carver. 'By your face, Master Ridd, I see that you have heard of Carver Doone.

'Five pounds thou shalt have, Jack, said Jeremy Stickles suddenly, while I was all abroad with myself as to being a liar or not; 'five pounds, and I will take my chance of wringing it from that great rogue Spank. Ten I would have made it, John, but for bad luck lately. Put back your bits of paper, lad; I will have no acknowledgment. John Ridd, no nonsense with me!