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"I am Rene Descartes," replied the soldier, gently. "How, sir!" cried De Thou. "Are you so happy as to be related to the author of the Princeps?" "I am the author of that work," replied Rene. "You, sir! but still pardon me but are you not a military man?" stammered out the counsellor, in amazement. "Well, what has the habit of the body to do with the thought? Yes, I wear the sword.

'Roderick, last of the Goths. Dear, dear," his smile fading into blankness; "tiresome man, I never gave him orders for any such things." René, battling with his second parcel, shrugged his shoulders. "The librarian," he explained, "said that all the world read these books, and your honour must have them." "Well, well," continued the hermit, "what else?

It was these two, then, whose traces had so puzzled Has-se as he and Réné de Veaux in turn followed them, and it was their canoe of which the two boys caught a fleeting glimpse in the great swamp. "Look!" exclaimed Has-se, whose keen eye was the first to detect the vanishing canoe. "These are either my own people, whom we have thus overtaken, or those whom we know to be in close pursuit of them.

No one was in sight along the deck, and the rag I was wielding hung limp in my hand. "Who was it that spoke?" I ventured, the words barely audible. "Ah did; the prisoner in the stateroom. Have both those men gone?" "Yes; I am here alone. You are a woman? You are Rene Beaucaire?" "No, Ah am not her; but Ah thought from the way yer questioned thet brute, yer was interested.

Then the admiral gave Réné a brief history of his expedition, its purpose and results, which was in effect as follows: He himself had been a prisoner in Spanish dungeons, and had suffered as a Spanish galley-slave.

If I mistake not, there is that contained within these chests that will place thee on an equality with the wealthiest noble of France." "Nay," replied Réné, "it is not mine, but thine. To the conqueror belong the spoils. But for thee, these chests and their contents, whatever be their nature, would still remain with those who placed them here."

Surely, when a thing was so cheap, one need not be so parsimonious as to withhold a mere anticipation. He was off before the girls could press him into details, for indeed he had none. "There now, what did I tell you?" cried Alice, when the big man was gone. "I told you Rene would come. They always come back!" Father Beret came in a little later.

"He is getting on well, I believe," she replied. "He was delirious and so restless, and talked so loud that the doctor had him carried into another ward so that you should not be disturbed by it. I have not seen him since, but I hear he is going on very well. Your friend René has been here twice indeed he has been every day to inquire but he was only let in twice.

Years before, grand'mère had cried for many days when Jacques had brought from the town just such a thin, crackling envelope. And Claire René knew that after that she had no longer any young mother or father only grand'mère and her three brothers. Grand'mère had enough of sorrow. The telegram was better hidden in the room of her brothers.

"I did not say 'thou, but 'you," he persisted gently. Vellacott's glance wavered; he raised his head, and looked out of the open port-hole across the glassy waters of the river. "What do you mean?" he inquired. "I thought," said Rene Drucquer, "there might be some one else some woman who was waiting for news." After a little pause the journalist replied.