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After the first great moment of enfranchisement and soaring, it was like relapsing to some sub-conscious function of the organism digestion or circulation that did things for one if one didn't interfere with it. Her mind no longer directed her course except in this transformed and subsidiary guise; it had become part of the machinery of self-preservation.

"Away, then, with further disguise," returned the earl, relapsing into his furious mood, "and recognise in me the person I am or, rather the person you would have me be. You say you are immovable. So am I; nor will I further delay my purpose."

'What are you going on in this way at me for? urged the unfortunate actor. 'What have I done? 'Done, sir! cried Mr Lillyvick, 'aimed a blow at the whole framework of society 'And the best and tenderest feelings, added Crummles, relapsing into the old man. 'And the highest and most estimable of social ties, said the collector. 'Noose!

"It was very noble, very touching. And you? how did you get off at last?" asked Randal, with real admiration and respect in his usually languid face. "Crawled off," answered Saul, relapsing into his former brevity of speech. "Why not before, and save yourself all that misery?" "Couldn't leave Joe." "Ah, I see; there were two heroes that night." "Dozens, I've no doubt.

It was in a somewhat sobered frame of mind that we presently turned away and started homeward by way of Great Ormond Street. My companion was deeply thoughtful, relapsing for a while into that somberness of manner that had so impressed me when I first met her.

"True," said I, relapsing into seriousness; "and if you will allow me one more quotation, you will see what my author adds with regard to any abrupt interruption. "'Defendez que personne au milieu d'un banquet, Ne vous vienne donner un avis indiscret, Ecartez ce facheux qui vers vous s'achemine, Rien ne doit deranger l'honnete homme qui dine."

In the mean time, as the duke could not remain idle, he had no sooner forgotten Lady Chesterfield, but he began to think of her whom he had been in love with before, and was upon the point of relapsing into his old passion for Miss Hamilton.

They gave a melancholy account of the spiritual condition of the Sisas, who since the death of their last pastor, they said, were relapsing rapidly into heathenism under the pernicious influence of Menzi, the witch-doctor. Therefore Kosa sent his greetings and prayed the new Teacher to hurry to their aid and put a stop to this state of things.

Governor Arthur arrived in 1824, and found the colony fast relapsing into its former unsettled state. He learnt that, shortly before, some thirteen or fourteen convicts had succeeded in escaping from the penal settlement in an open boat, and had landed on a lonely part of the coast.

And take care of that so-much-wounded shoulder!" he added, relapsing into a kinder and less formal tone; "It will pain you, but there will be no inflammation, not now I have treated it! and it will heal quickly, that I will guarantee I, who have had first care of it!" She thanked him again in a low voice, there was an uncomfortable lump in her throat, and tears still trembled on her lashes.