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I say, Mike, is there anything fit to take out?" "Yes, sir; there's Miss Wildespin, she's in training, to be sure; but we can't help that; and the brown colt they call, 'Billy the Bolter, they're the likeliest we have; without your honor would take the two chestnuts we took up last week; they're raal devils to go; and if the tackle will hold them, they'll bring you to Mr.

"I say, now, Chub seeing you have the raal grit, if it ain't axing too much, what do you think to do with all that money? I guess you'd like to lay out a little on't in the way of trade; and as I ain't particular where I sell, why, the sooner I begin, I guess, the better. You ain't in want of nothing, eh? No knife to cut the saplings, and pare the nails, nor nothing of no kind?

Dummie expressed his gratitude, refilled his glass, and the hospitable matron, knocking out from her pipe the dying ashes, thus proceeded: "You sees, Dummie, though I often beats the boy, I loves him as much as if I war his raal mother, I wants to make him an honour to his country, and an ixciption to my family!" "Who all flashed their ivories at Surgeons' Hall!" added the metaphorical Dummie.

Ulick's fondness for him, more than all, showed him capable of the disinterested touch; but then to belie his own heart to abandon him he bred a favourite, just when the boy wants him most Oh! how could he? And all for what? To please the wife he hates: that can't be that's only the ostensible but what the raal rason is I can't guess. No matter he'll soon tell us." "Tell us!

"Now, don't be comparing an Irishman, if you plaze, Adjutant, to a scratch-back Scotchman. The raal Irishman has fire enough in his bluid; but there's no denying a glass of potheen is the stuff to regulate it. Talk about Rigulars or Volunteers fighting; it's the officers must do their duty, and there's no fear thin of the men."

The mendicant immediately wetted Mike's lips, and poured some spirits, copiously diluted with water, down his throat; after which he held the whiskey-bottle, like a connoisseur, between himself and the light. "I hope," said he, "this whiskey is the raal crathur."

"That's a good un!" put in Jorrocks, who was standing by. "This is the fust time I ever heard tell of a mule having toes!" "Well, hooves thin, if you likes them betther," said Pat, a little upset by this correction. "But, as I was a sayin' when this omahdaun here took the word out ov me mouth, unlike the raal gintleman he ginerally is "

An' wasn't she a raal beauty?" exclaimed the little Irishman, with an earnestness in his manner that set the trappers roaring again. "Pish!" cried Rube, who had now finished loading, "yur a set o' channering fools; that's what 'ee ur. Who palavered about a post? I've got an ole squaw as well's the Injun. She'll hold the thing for this child she will." "Squaw! You a squaw?"

They've hung there for tin years both of thim; and this nate little flask's the first raal binifit I iver resaved from ayther of them. Thry it, Captin. It'll do yez good." I took the bottle and drank. It was the chingarito a bad species of aguardiente from the wild aloe and hot as fire. A mouthful sufficed. I handed the flask to Clayley, who drank more freely.

"Oh, then I was right in taking your honour for an Irishman. None but a raal Paddy bears that name. A credit to your honour is your name, for it is a famous name, and a credit to your name is your honour, for it is a neat man without a bend you are. God bless your honour and good night! and may you find dacent quarters in the 'Pump Saint." Leaving Mary Bane I proceeded on my way.